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WinPython 2019-03 changelogs
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stonebig committed Sep 28, 2019
1 parent 47ce3f4 commit d33352f
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## History of changes for WinPython-32bit
The following changes were made to WinPython-32bit distribution since version
### Tools
Upgraded packages:
* [Nodejs]( v10.16.0 → v10.16.3 (a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine)
### Python packages
New packages:
* [fsspec]( 0.4.4 (File-system specification)
* [jupyter_server]( 0.1.1 (Jupyter Server)
* [jupyterlab_pygments]( 0.1.0 (JupyterLab Pygments theme)
* [portalocker]( 1.5.1 ()
* [pypiwin32]( 223+dummy ()
* [ruamel.yaml.clib]( 0.1.2 ()
* [swifter]( 0.292 (efficiently applies any function to a pandas dataframe or series in the fastest available manner)
* [typing_extensions]( 3.7.4 (Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.5+)
* [voila]( 0.1.11 (Serving read-only live Jupyter notebooks)
* [winrt]( 1.0.19128.1 (Access Windows Runtime APIs from Python)
Upgraded packages:
* [affine]( 2.2.2 → 2.3.0 (Matrices describing affine transformation of the plane.)
* [altair]( 3.1.0 → 3.2.0 (High-level declarative visualization library for Python)
* [altair_widgets]( 0.2.0 → 0.2.2 (Altair Widgets: An interactive visualization for statistical data for Python.)
* [asteval]( 0.9.14 → 0.9.15 (Safe, minimalistic evaluator of python expression using ast module)
* [baresql]( 0.7.4 → 0.7.6 (playing SQL directly on Python datas)
* [beautifulsoup4]( 4.7.1 → 4.8.0 (Screen-scraping library)
* [bokeh]( 1.2.0 → 1.3.4 (Statistical and novel interactive HTML plots for Python)
* [bqplot]( 0.11.6 → 0.11.8 (Interactive plotting for the Jupyter notebook, using d3.js and ipywidgets.)
* [certifi]( 2019.6.16 → 2019.9.11 (Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle.)
* [colorcet]( 2.0.1 → 2.0.2 (A set of useful perceptually uniform colormaps for plotting scientific data)
* [cvxpy]( 1.0.24 → 1.0.25 (A domain-specific language for modeling convex optimization problems in Python)
* [cx_freeze]( 5.1.1 → 6.0 (Deployment tool which converts Python scripts into stand-alone Windows executables (i.e. target machine does not require Python or any other library to be installed))
* [cython]( 0.29.12 → 0.29.13 (Cython is a language that makes writing C extensions for the Python language as easy as Python)
* [dask]( 2.1.0 → 2.4.0 (Minimal task scheduling abstraction)
* [deprecated]( 1.2.5 → 1.2.6 (Python @deprecated decorator to deprecate old python classes, functions or methods.)
* [distributed]( 2.1.0 → 2.4.0 (Distributed computing)
* [docutils]( 0.14 → 0.15.2 (Text processing system for processing plaintext documentation into useful formats, such as HTML or LaTeX (includes reStructuredText))
* [fastparquet]( 0.3.1 → 0.3.2 (Python support for Parquet file format)
* [geopandas]( 0.5.1 → 0.6.0rc1 (Geographic pandas extensions)
* [geoviews]( 1.6.2 → 1.6.3 (Stop plotting your data - annotate your data and let it visualize itself... on a map!)
* [h5py]( 2.9.0 → 2.10.0 (General-purpose Python interface to HDF5 files (unlike PyTables, h5py provides direct access to the full HDF5 C library))
* [holoviews]( 1.12.3 → 1.12.5 (Composable, declarative data structures for building complex visualizations easily.)
* [hypothesis]( 4.24.6 → 4.35.0 (A library for property based testing)
* [importlib_metadata]( 0.18 → 0.23 (Read metadata from Python packages)
* [intake]( 0.5.0 → 0.5.3 (Data input plugin and catalog system)
* [ipykernel]( 5.1.1 → 5.1.2 (IPython Kernel for Jupyter)
* [ipyleaflet]( 0.11.1 → 0.11.2 (A Jupyter widget for dynamic Leaflet maps)
* [ipython]( 7.6.1 → 7.8.0 (Enhanced Python shell)
* [ipywidgets]( 7.5.0 → 7.5.1 (IPython HTML widgets for Jupyter)
* [jedi]( 0.14.0 → 0.15.1 (An autocompletion tool for Python that can be used for text editors)
* [json5]( 0.8.4 → 0.8.5 (A Python implementation of the JSON5 data format.)
* [jsonschema]( 3.0.1 → 3.0.2 (An implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python)
* [jupyter_client]( 5.2.4 → 5.3.3 (Jupyter protocol implementation and client libraries)
* [jupyter_sphinx]( 0.1.4 → 0.2.1 (Jupyter Sphinx Extensions)
* [jupyterlab]( 1.0.2 → 1.1.4 (Jupyter lab environment notebook server extension)
* [jupyterlab_server]( 1.0.0 → 1.0.6 (JupyterLab Server)
* [keyring]( 19.0.2 → 19.2.0 (Store and access your passwords safely.)
* [lazy_object_proxy]( 1.4.1 → 1.4.2 (A fast and thorough lazy object proxy.)
* [lmfit]( 0.9.13 → 0.9.14 (Least-Squares Minimization with Bounds and Constraints)
* [loky]( 2.5.1 → 2.6.0 (Robust and reusable Executor for joblib)
* [lxml]( 4.3.4 → 4.4.1 (Powerful and Pythonic XML processing library combining libxml2/libxslt with the ElementTree API.)
* [mercantile]( 1.1.1 → 1.1.2 (Web mercator XYZ tile utilities)
* [metakernel]( 0.24.2 → 0.24.3 (Metakernel for Jupyter)
* [mizani]( 0.5.4 → 0.6.0 (Scales for Python)
* [mkl_service]( 2.1.0 → 2.3.0 (Python bindings to some MKL service functions)
* [mlxtend]( 0.16.0 → 0.17.0 (Machine Learning Library Extensions)
* [more_itertools]( 7.1.0 → 7.2.0 (More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools)
* [mypy]( 0.711 → 0.720 (Optional static typing for Python)
* [nbconvert]( 5.5.0 → 5.6.0 (Converting Jupyter Notebooks)
* [netcdf4]( → 1.5.2 (Provides an object-oriented python interface to the netCDF version 4 library)
* [nltk]( 3.4.4 → 3.4.5 (The Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) is a Python package for natural language processing.)
* [notebook]( 6.0.0rc1 → 6.0.1 (# Jupyter Notebook)
* [numba]( 0.44.1 → 0.45.1 (compiling Python code using LLVM)
* [numexpr]( 2.6.9 → 2.7.0 (Fast evaluation of array expressions elementwise by using a vector-based virtual machine)
* [numpy]( 1.16.4+mkl → 1.16.5+mkl (NumPy: multidimensional array processing for numbers, strings, records and objects (SciPy''s core module))
* [packaging]( 19.0 → 19.2 (Core utilities for Python packages)
* [pandas]( 0.24.2 → 0.25.1 (Powerful data structures for data analysis, time series and statistics)
* [pandas_datareader]( 0.7.0 → 0.7.4 (Data readers extracted from the pandas codebase,should be compatible with recent pandas versions)
* [panel]( 0.6.0 → 0.6.3 (A high-level Python toolkit for composing widgets and plots)
* [papermill]( 1.0.1 → 1.1.0 (Parametrize and Run Jupyter Notebooks)
* [parso]( 0.5.0 → 0.5.1 (A Python Parser)
* [pip]( 19.1.1 → 19.2.3 (A tool for installing and managing Python packages)
* [plotnine]( 0.5.2.dev2 → 0.6.0 (A grammar of graphics for python)
* [protobuf]( 3.8.0 → 3.9.1 (Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format)
* [pymongo]( 3.8.0 → 3.9.0 (Python driver for MongoDB <>)
* [pyodbc]( 4.0.26 → 4.0.27 (DB API Module for ODBC)
* [pyparsing]( 2.4.0 → 2.4.2 (A Python Parsing Module)
* [pyqt5]( 5.13.0 → 5.13.1 (Python bindings for the Qt cross platform GUI toolkit)
* [pyqt5_sip]( 4.19.18 → 4.19.19 (Python extension module support for PyQt5)
* [pyqtwebengine]( 5.13.0 → 5.13.1 (Python bindings for the Qt 3D framework)
* [pyrsistent]( 0.15.3 → 0.15.4 (Persistent/Functional/Immutable data structures)
* [pytest]( 4.6.3 → 5.1.2 (pytest: simple powerful testing with Python)
* [pytz]( 2019.1 → 2019.2 (World Timezone Definitions for Python)
* [pywin32]( 224 → 225 (Python library for Windows)
* [pyyaml]( 5.1.1 → 5.1.2 (YAML parser and emitter for Python)
* [pyzmq]( 18.0.2 → 18.1.0 (Lightweight and super-fast messaging based on ZeroMQ library (required for IPython Qt console))
* [pyzo]( 4.7.4.dev1 → 4.9.0 (the Python IDE for scientific computing)
* [qtawesome]( 0.5.7 → 0.6.0 (FontAwesome icons in PyQt and PySide applications)
* [qtconsole]( 4.5.1 → 4.5.5 (Jupyter Qt console)
* [qtpy]( 1.8.0 → 1.9.0 (Provides an abstraction layer on top of the various Qt bindings (PyQt5, PyQt4 and PySide) and additional custom QWidgets.)
* [quantecon]( 0.4.4 → 0.4.5 (A community based Python library for quantitative economics)
* [rasterio]( 1.0.23 → 1.0.27 (Fast and direct raster I/O for use with Numpy and SciPy)
* [redis]( 3.2.1 → 3.3.8 (Python client for Redis key-value store)
* [regex]( 2019.6.8 → 2019.8.19 (Alternative regular expression module, to replace re.)
* [ruamel.yaml]( 0.15.98 → 0.16.5 (a YAML parser/emitter that supports roundtrip preservation of comments, seq/map flow style, and map key order)
* [rx]( 3.0.0b2 → 3.0.1 (Reactive Extensions (Rx) for Python)
* [scikit_learn]( 0.21.2 → 0.21.3 (A set of Python modules for machine learning and data mining)
* [scipy]( 1.3.0 → 1.3.1 (SciPy: Scientific Library for Python (advanced math, signal processing, optimization, statistics, ...))
* [setuptools]( 41.0.1 → 41.2.0 (Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages - easily)
* [snowballstemmer]( 1.9.0 → 1.9.1 (This package provides 16 stemmer algorithms (15 + Poerter English stemmer) generated from Snowball algorithms.)
* [soupsieve]( 1.9.2 → 1.9.3 (A CSS4 selector implementation for Beautiful Soup.)
* [sphinx]( 2.1.2 → 2.2.0 (Tool for generating documentation which uses reStructuredText as its markup language)
* [spyder]( 3.3.5 → 3.3.6 (The Scientific Python Development Environment: An IDE designed for interactive computing and data visualisation with a simple and intuitive user interface)
* [spyder_kernels]( 0.5.0 → 0.5.1 (Jupyter kernels for the Spyder console)
* [sqlalchemy]( 1.3.5 → 1.3.8 (SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper)
* [statsmodels]( 0.10.0 → 0.10.1 (Statistical computations and models for use with SciPy)
* [tenacity]( 5.0.4 → 5.1.1 (Retry code until it succeeeds)
* [tqdm]( 4.32.2 → 4.36.1 (A Simple Python Progress Meter)
* [twine]( 1.13.0 → 1.15.0 (Collection of utilities for interacting with PyPI)
* [uncertainties]( 3.1.1 → 3.1.2 (Transparent calculations with uncertainties on the quantities involved (aka error propagation); fast calculation of derivatives)
* [urllib3]( 1.25.3 → 1.25.5 (HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more.)
* [vega]( 2.4.0 → 2.6.0 (An IPython/ Jupyter widget for Vega and Vega-Lite)
* [werkzeug]( 0.15.4 → 0.16.0 (The Swiss Army knife of Python web development)
* [wheel]( 0.33.4 → 0.33.6 (A built-package format for Python.)
* [widgetsnbextension]( 3.5.0 → 3.5.1 (IPython HTML widgets for Jupyter)
* [winpython]( 2.0.20190705 → 2.1.20190921 (WinPython distribution tools, including WPPM (package manager))
* [xarray]( 0.12.3 → 0.13.0 (N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python)
* [xlsxwriter]( 1.1.7 → 1.2.0 (A Python module for creating Excel XLSX files.)
* [xlwings]( 0.15.8 → 0.15.9 (Interact with Excel from Python and vice versa)
Removed packages:
* [msgpack_numpy]( (Numpy data serialization using msgpack)
* [msgpack_python]( 0.5.4+dummy (MessagePack (de)serializer.)
* * *
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