STRAX Wallet
STRAX Wallet 0.9.0
This release of the STRAX Wallet enables users to create their STRAX Wallet and generate an address to participate in the STRAX Token Swap.
More information can be found here:
This version utilizes the release/ branch of the Stratis Full Node.
Important Note
STRAX Wallet 0.9.0 will not connect to the STRAX Blockchain until the 12th November 2020 when the STRAX Mainnet chain becomes active.
File Hashes
STRAX Wallet-v0.9.0-linux-amd64.deb 9129A1117AA26C2ED80D378B615E243696C22686EFF7E385AEA3A1BE6BE903E2
STRAX Wallet-v0.9.0-linux-x64.tar.gz 3E2C80A01F9BF2E921DC975765E8434BD1EFDB265A8CDBD781A9ED8C206E80DE
STRAX Wallet-v0.9.0-mac.dmg 45DFC9BB3AC8BEF0AF39080F3E1F89D87E3DD7209572711E4E1D66308522E66E
STRAX Wallet-v0.9.0-setup-win-x64.exe F73D9554F141B77C64DDEB54B928378132E6DADFD34CBF1F635FD0F7F5E41B7F
STRAX Wallet-v0.9.0-setup-win-x86.exe 181E7B9C901567AF51455437FFEA5B89AD8F4B124C37CBC36B5E3D3343CE8D24