This project is a Panorama VR Viewer learning course.
This sources are made by a lightweight javascript built on Panolens.js와 Three.js.
Three.js is JavaScript 3D Library based on WebGL.
Panolens.js is a JavaScript Panorama Viewer from Three.js.
This project requires both of them.
git clone
Just html and JavaScript
use nginx, apache etc ...
This is free. MIT license.
- Only JavaScript library from three.js without node.js
<script src="./js/three.js"></script>
<script src="./js/panolens.min.js"></script>
- three.js, panolens.js - All is needed.
- panolens.min.js : mini package of panolens.js
- Default : SphereGeometry (radius 5,000, height_seg 40 width_seg 60)
- 3D coordinate system : three.js (OpenGL type)
- jpg source : big size ratio 2:1
- viewer = camera + mouse control + key control ...
- basic camera : THREE.PerspectiveCamera
- FOV default : 60 (1~10,000)
function getVectorFromAngle(ha, va, radius) {
//make unit vector(x,y,z)
let offset = new THREE.Vector3();
let theta = THREE.Math.degToRad(ha); //horizontal
let phi = THREE.Math.degToRad(va); //vertical
let vz = new THREE.Vector3(0,0,1); // start point
let vx = new THREE.Vector3(Math.tan(theta),0,0);
let vs = Math.sqrt( Math.tan(theta) * Math.tan(theta) + 1); //slop length by x and z;
let vy = new THREE.Vector3(0, Math.tan(phi) * vs ,0);
offset.add(vz); //start point
offset.add(vx); // add horizontal angle
offset.add(vy); // add vertical angle
//multiply radius to unit vector
offset.x = radius * Math.cos(phi) * Math.sin(theta);
offset.y = radius * Math.sin(phi);
offset.z = radius * Math.cos(phi) * Math.cos(theta);
return offset;
- The coordinate system is from Three.js(OpenGL)
- Goal : input {horizontal_angle, vertical_angle, radius from camera}, output : Vector3{x,y,z}
- default camera position : {0,0,1}
- default angle : radian, not degree.
- step1 : z -> x (horizontal_width) z,x -> y (vertial_height) = the first vector3
- step2 : slope_length -> 1 (the first vector3 -> unit vector3)
- step3 : slope_lenght * radius = from me = target vector line
- step4 : calculate {x,y,z} from target vector line = target vector3 = target position
- camera center control : viewer.tweenControlCenter(target position, 0)
- easing : null = no animation