CCO-VOXEL: Chance Constrained Optimization over Uncertain Voxel-Grid Representation for Safe Trajectory Planning
CCO VOXEL is an algorithm that computes trajectory plans with probabilistic safety guarantees in real-time directly on the voxel-grid representation of the world. CCO-VOXEL maps the distribution over the distance to the closest obstacle to a distribution over collision-constraint violation and computes an optimal trajectory that minimizes the violation probability.
YouTube: Link
Our evaluations were done on an 8-Core Intel Core i7-10870H processor, with 16GB RAM and 500GB HDD, running Ubunut 20.04 and ros noetic. we do recommend using powerfull setup.
ROS Noetic
QGroundControl (Optional)
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
git clone
catkin_make -j4
source devel/setup.bash
We provide Gazebo environments to test our algorithm that can be found here, Please follow the the instructions given here before continuing with the execution of the programs.
Run the following commands to start CCO-VOXEL
First within the /PX4-Autopilot folder run the commands below to start SITL
source Tools/setup_gazebo.bash $(pwd) $(pwd)/build/px4_sitl_default
export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH:$(pwd)/Tools/sitl_gazebo
roslaunch px4 mavros_posix_sitl.launch
Once SITL is started run Mapping_noise.launch to start OctoMap and Rviz, the noise parameter can be changed in the launch file to update the added noise levels into the point cloud.
roslaunch CCO_VOXEL Mapping_noise.launch
After starting the mapping process, takeoff the drone either using QGround Control or through the commander takeoff command, and start the planner and controller, and update the parameter path_to_weights to point the weights.csv file in the CCO_VOXEL_Planner.launch file.
roslaunch CCO_VOXEL CCO_VOXEL_Planner.launch
rosrun CCO_VOXEL Controller
Once the programs are running use the 2D Nav Goal tool of rviz to set the goal point.
For better understanding of the algorithm please check the sample codes given here
Our code is built upon Fast-Planner, we use their front end implementation of the kinodynamic A * with a difference that we use MMD as a part of the Edge Cost that connects two nodes of the graph.