This git repo contains my "dot files" used to configure stuff like my shell and editor. I use these on Linux and Mac OSX systems. Since my multiple systems use the same dot files, I get the same experience across all machines.
On a typical machine, I will install this git repo in a directory called $HOME/.dotfiles. Then I create symlinks to the actual files, like this:
cd $HOME
git clone .dotfiles
# check to see if I am covering up something "good"
diff .dotfiles/bashrc .bashrc
mv .bashrc .bashrc.orig
ln -s .dotfiles/bashrc .bashrc
... and so on...
There is a script called
that makes these
symlinks for me automatically.
When I make a change to a local dot file, I go into the $HOME/.dotfiles directory and commit the changes and push them up to github so the changes can be pulled down to all of the other systems that I use.
Some dotfiles, like .bash_profile and .bashrc, sometimes need a local-only change that is not shared with other machines. In those cases, I typically "include" a local file called .bash_profile.local or .bashrc.local.
If you have questions or suggestions, feel free to send them my way.
Alan Porter, [email protected]