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Renamed JOSS plot script, updated code, added more comments
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kbg committed Aug 11, 2019
1 parent 89e5d5c commit eae7b2b
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Showing 2 changed files with 88 additions and 92 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
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179 changes: 87 additions & 92 deletions examples/ → examples/
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@@ -1,41 +1,66 @@
This example creates the figure shown in the JOSS paper.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import os.path
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import dates
from import fits
import pandas
import example_helpers
import drms

import pandas
pandas_version = tuple(map(int, pandas.__version__.split('.')[:2]))
if pandas_version >= (0, 22):
# Since pandas v0.22, we need to explicitely register matplotlib
# converters to use pandas.Timestamp objects in plots.

def read_fits_data(fname):
"""Reads FITS data and fixes/ignores any non-standard FITS keywords."""
hdulist =
return hdulist[1].data

# Print the doc string of this example.

do_download = 1
save_plots = 1
show_plots = 0
# This example requires a registered export email address. You can register
# JSOC exports at:
# You will be asked for your registered email address during execution of
# this example. If you don't want to enter it every time you run this script,
# you can set the environment variable JSOC_EXPORT_EMAIL or the variable
# below to your registered email address.
email = ''

export_email = '[email protected]'
# Should the plots been shown and/or saved?
save_plots = True
show_plots = True

# Series, harpnum and segment selection
series = 'hmi.sharp_720s'
sharpnum = 4315
segments = ['magnetogram', 'continuum']
# segments = ['magnetogram', 'field', 'continuum', 'Dopplergram']
fname_fmt_str = '{series}.{sharpnum}.{tstr}.{segment}.fits'

kwlist = ['T_REC', 'LON_FWT', 'OBS_VR', 'CROTA2',
# Download directory
out_dir = os.path.join('downloads', 'sharp_joss')

if do_download:
c = drms.Client(email=export_email)
c = drms.Client('kis')
# Create download directory if it does not exist yet.
if not os.path.exists(out_dir):

# Keywords to be queried
kwlist = ['T_REC', 'LON_FWT', 'CROTA2', 'AREA_ACR', 'USFLUX', 'ERRVF',

# Create DRMS client, use debug=True to see the query URLs.
c = drms.Client(verbose=True)

print('Querying metadata...')
si =
kw = c.query('%s[%d]' % (series, sharpnum), key=kwlist, rec_index=True)
t = drms.to_datetime(kw.T_REC)

Expand All @@ -45,36 +70,43 @@ def read_fits_data(fname):
t_cm = drms.to_datetime(kw.T_REC[rec_cm])
print('-> rec_cm:', rec_cm, '@', kw.LON_FWT[rec_cm], 'deg')

# Generate filenames to check if the files are already downloaded.
# Check if any files were already downloaded.
fnames = {}
download_segments = []
t_cm_str = t_cm.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_TAI')
fnames = {
s: fname_fmt_str.format(
for s in segments:
fnames[s] = fname_fmt_str.format(
series=series, sharpnum=sharpnum, tstr=t_cm_str, segment=s)
for s in segments}

# Check if any files were already downloaded and download them if not.
download_segments = []
for k, v in fnames.items():
if not os.path.exists(v):
if do_download and download_segments:
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(out_dir, fnames[s])):

# Only download missing files.
if download_segments:
if not email:
email = example_helpers.get_export_email()
if not email or not c.check_email(email):
raise RuntimeError('Email address is not valid or not registered.')
print('Downloading files...')
exp_query = '%s{%s}' % (rec_cm, ','.join(download_segments))
r = c.export(exp_query)
dl ='.', verbose=True)

export_query = '%s{%s}' % (rec_cm, ','.join(download_segments))
r = c.export(export_query, email=email)
dl =

print('Reading data files...')
data = {
s: read_fits_data(fnames[s])
for s in segments}
print('Reading image files...')
data_mag = read_fits_data(os.path.join(out_dir, fnames['magnetogram']))
data_cont = read_fits_data(os.path.join(out_dir, fnames['continuum']))

# Remove observer's LOS velocity
if 'Dopplergram' in data:
data['Dopplergram'] -= k_cm.OBS_VR
print('Creating plots...')
plt.rc('figure', figsize=(11, 6.75))
plt.rc('axes', titlesize='medium')
plt.rc('axes.formatter', use_mathtext=True)
plt.rc('mathtext', default='regular')
plt.rc('legend', fontsize='medium', framealpha=1.0)
plt.rc('image', origin='lower', interpolation='none', cmap='gray')

# Convert pixel to world coordinates using WCS keywords
ny, nx = data[segments[0]].shape
ny, nx = data_mag.shape
xmin = (1 - k_cm.CRPIX1)*k_cm.CDELT1 + k_cm.CRVAL1
xmax = (nx - k_cm.CRPIX1)*k_cm.CDELT1 + k_cm.CRVAL1
ymin = (1 - k_cm.CRPIX2)*k_cm.CDELT2 + k_cm.CRVAL2
Expand All @@ -83,8 +115,8 @@ def read_fits_data(fname):
# We assume a CROTA2 value close to 180 degree, so we can approximate the
# rotation by inverting the image axes.
if abs(180 - k_cm.CROTA2) < 0.1:
for s in segments:
data[s] = data[s][::-1, ::-1]
data_mag = data_mag[::-1, ::-1]
data_cont = data_cont[::-1, ::-1]
xmin, xmax = -xmax, -xmin
ymin, ymax = -ymax, -ymin
Expand All @@ -94,44 +126,23 @@ def read_fits_data(fname):
extent = (xmin - abs(k_cm.CDELT1)/2, xmax + abs(k_cm.CDELT1)/2,
ymin - abs(k_cm.CDELT2)/2, ymax + abs(k_cm.CDELT2)/2)

print('Creating plots...')
plt.rc('figure', figsize=(11, 6.75))
plt.rc('axes', titlesize='medium')
plt.rc('axes.formatter', use_mathtext=True)
plt.rc('mathtext', default='regular')
plt.rc('legend', fontsize='medium', framealpha=1.0)
plt.rc('image', origin='lower', interpolation='none', cmap='gray')

# Create figure with 2x2 axes, with enough space for colorbars on the right
fig, ax = plt.subplots(
2, 2, num=1, clear=True,
gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': (2, 2.5)})
ax_meta, ax_img = ax[:, 0], ax[:, 1]


axi = ax_meta[1]
axi.plot(t, kw.AREA_ACR/1e3, '.', ms=2, label='AREA_ACR')
axi.set_title('LoS area of active pixels')
axi.set_ylabel(r'$\mu$Hem $\times 1000$')

# axi = ax_meta[1]
# axi.plot(t, kw.MEANGAM, '.', ms=2, label='MEANGAM')
# axi.set_title('Mean inclination angle')
# axi.set_ylabel('degree')

# Create metadata line plots in the left column
axi = ax_meta[0]
axi.errorbar(t, kw.USFLUX/1e22, yerr=kw.ERRVF/1e22, fmt='.', ms=2,
capsize=0, label='USFLUX')
axi.set_title('Total unsigned flux')
axi.set_ylabel(r'Mx $\times 10^{\minus 22}$')

# axi = ax_meta[1]
# axi.errorbar(t, kw.MEANJZH*1e3, yerr=kw.ERRMIH*1e3, fmt='.', ms=2,
# capsize=0, label='MEANJZH')
# axi.set_title('Mean current helicity')
# axi.set_ylabel(r'G$^2$ m$^{\minus 1}$ $\times 1000$')
axi = ax_meta[1]
axi.plot(t, kw.AREA_ACR/1e3, '.', ms=2, label='AREA_ACR')
axi.set_title('LoS area of active pixels')
axi.set_ylabel(r'$\mu$Hem $\times 1000$')

Expand All @@ -142,33 +153,18 @@ def read_fits_data(fname):
axi.axvline(t_cm, ls='--', color='tab:orange')
axi.legend(loc='upper left', numpoints=1)

# Create image plots in the right column
axi = ax_img[0]
axi.set_title('Continuum intensity')
im = axi.imshow(data_cont/1e3, extent=extent, vmax=61)
cb = plt.colorbar(im, ax=axi, label=r'$I_{\mathrm{c}}$ [kDN/s]', pad=0.03)

axi = ax_img[1]
di = data['magnetogram']
axi.set_title('LoS magnetogram')
im = axi.imshow(di/1e3, extent=extent, vmin=-1, vmax=1)
im = axi.imshow(data_mag/1e3, extent=extent, vmin=-1, vmax=1)
cb = plt.colorbar(im, ax=axi, label=r'$B_{\mathrm{los}}$ [kG]', pad=0.03)
cb.set_ticks([-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 2])

axi = ax_img[0]
di = data['continuum']
axi.set_title('Continuum intensity')
im = axi.imshow(di/1e3, extent=extent, vmax=61)
cb = plt.colorbar(im, ax=axi, label=r'$I_{\mathrm{c}}$ [kDN/s]', pad=0.03)

# axi = ax_img[0]
# di = data['field']
# axi.set_title('Magnetic field strength')
# im = axi.imshow(di/1e3, extent=extent, vmin=0.05, vmax=2.6)
# cb = plt.colorbar(im, ax=axi, label=r'$|B|$ [kG]')

# axi = ax_img[1]
# di = data['Dopplergram']
# axi.set_title('LoS Doppler velocity')
# im = axi.imshow(di/1e3, extent=extent, vmin=-1.3, vmax=1.3)
# cb = plt.colorbar(im, ax=axi, label=r'$v_{\mathrm{los}}$ [km/s]')

for axi in ax_img:
axi.set_xlim(-130, 141)
axi.set_ylim(-262, -86)
Expand All @@ -179,15 +175,14 @@ def read_fits_data(fname):
ax_img[0].set_ylabel('Solar Y [arcsec]')
ax_img[1].set_ylabel('Solar Y [arcsec]')


# Make better use of figure space
fig.tight_layout(pad=1.2, w_pad=2)

if save_plots:
print('Saving plots...')
fig.savefig('sharp.pdf', dpi=200)
fig.savefig('sharp.png', dpi=200)
print('Saving figure...')
fig.savefig('joss_figure.pdf', dpi=200)

if show_plots:
print('Showing figure...')

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