Specifically Created to download dataset to download activitynet dataset. Link:http://ec2-52-11-11-89.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/files/activity_net.v1-3.min.json
I installed youtube-dl in linux to a virtual environment named 'tensorflow'. So in execute.sh I activate & deactivate tensorflow environment. Change the virtual environment name to your setting (or remove if you installed it wothout a environment). There should be a 'DataSet' directory with the files (execute.sh and arrange.py and dataset.json).
In both execute.sh and arrange.py the variable 'path' should be edited to the directory path where all of these execution files exists. Videos will be download into the DataSet directory.
No execeptions will be handled. You are on your own. I'm too lazy to make it friendly.
run the following command in linux shell (current directory should be where those execution files are).
sh execute.sh
If the process is long on your sense, Or you have to close the terminal just use below.
nohup execute.sh &
and you can close terminal and it will be download in background.