This is a very simple script to download youtube videos periodically/Scheduled in a customized way in Linux.
You need to have following modules crontab, youtube-dl Normally linux OS have crontab preinstalled. Anyway check that with following command and check whether a local path is shown.
which crontab
if not install use following command. Learn about crontab from here
sudo apt-get install cron
youtube-dl is a command line programme to download videos from youtube. It can be download as follows
sudo apt-get install youtube-dl
All done! now you all you need to do is this clone this repo using following command. And go inside
git clone
cd youtube_downloader
Create a file including all ids of videos you intend to download. A sample file is included in the directory named test
youtube id is what the 11-letters appears after watch?v=
For example the id of youtube link
is IXdNnw99-Ic
. Line them on the file you wish to contain.
If you want to do it now just use following command. And all files will be downloaded to the directory you give by 2nd parameter.
sh file_with_ids download_dir
If you want to schedule it. You can use crontab. I have given an example below to run the script daily at 12AM. You can customize it using the tutorial on crontab given by the previous link
crontab -e
Then there will be a page with comments of what crontab is. In here the vim comes in. You have to deal with vim. If you are not familiar, just use this link.
Just add a new line at last as follows. Use absolute paths on files.
0 0 * * * sh /absolute/path/to/file/ /absolute/path/to/file/link_file /absolute/path/to/file/ >> /absolute/path/to/file/output.log
Since this /absolute/path/to/file is overwhelming try this
0 0 * * * sh $abs_path/ $abs_path/link_file $abs_path >> $abs_path/output.log
If you feel like done and to get rid of this automated exicution, Remove all cronjobs by follwing command
crontab -r