Goto Download older versions and select version 1.9.5
- open a command line and install following plugins, with:
- vagrant plugin install vagrant-hosts
- vagrant plugin install vagrant-share
- vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
- vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbox-snapshot
- Clone or (download and extract) this git repository into a folder of your choice
- Open a shell/commmand line and move to this folder then
- Run "vagrant up && vagrant reload"
- The very first installation could take some minutes, since the virtual machine is built from scratch
Run the virtual machine with "vagrant up" if not already running
Run the server
- Open a shell
- cd /home/ubuntu/franca-musicplayer-example/org.franca.examples.musicplayer/server_nodejs
- sudo node index.js
Run the target agent
- Open a shell
- cd /home/ubuntu/ta/install
- sudo ./solys-agent
Run the client
- Open firefox
- Enter "localhost:8180" as URL
- Enter a title and press "Find"
You finally should see like this:
- Launch EB solys
- Add a new connection with IP = and Port 1234
- connect
- Open channel folder trace.log4j to monitor the application logs
In some cases the display resolution cannot be set automatically. In that case you need to set it manually.
- Open a shell and type "xrandr -q" which lists all supported display resolutions
- Look for the one in the list marked with "+" (usually the first in the list) and set it, with e.g. xrandr -s 1920x976