This project is a part of coursework Planning and Learning done in Spring 2023.
This code implements A* search based planning and RRT sample based planning for a 3D environment. We are given 7 environments described as:
- All the blocks and the boundaries are given as axis-aligned bounding rectangles.
- Each rectangle is described by a 9-dimensional vector, specifying its lower left corner
$x_{min}$ ,$y_{min}$ ,$z_{min}$ and, its upper right corner$x_{max}$ ,$y_{max}$ ,$z_{max}$ , and its RGB color (for visualization). - A start point
$x_s$ and goal point$x_d$ is given. The objective is to find a path between the start node and to goal node without colliding with any obstacles.
The objective is to find a path between the start node and to goal node without colliding with any obstacles.
Visualization of A* results:
Flappy Bird | Maze | Monza |
Room | Tower | Window |
Visualization of RRT results:
Flappy Bird | Maze | Monza |
Room | Tower | Window |
This file is the main entry point to the algorithm. Uncomment the testcase to see the visualisation.
Class that implements A* algorithm and is being called in main.
Class that implements RRT algorithm and is being called in main.
This folder contains certain classic RRT algorithm implementations.
This folder contains 7 test environments described via a rectangular outer boundary and a list of rectangular obstacles. The start and goal points for each environment are specified in
This folder contains images of the output from Astar.
This folder contains images of the output from RRT.