This project is a part of coursework Planning and Learning in Robotics done in Spring 2023.
This code implements a trajectory following algorithm as an infinite horizon optical control problem. It is solved in 2 ways.
The main idea is to reduce a stochastic optimal control problem into a deterministic optimal control problem. Receding horizon CEC further converts the deterministic optimal control problem into finite horizon deterministic optimal control problem. This is a suboptimal control sequence that will be optimal if the noise in the motion model were to be zero.
GPI is a way to directly solve for the optimal value function and optimal control problem formulated as discounted infinite horizon stochastic optimal control problem. The given objective function can be converted to a bellman equation of the form: $$ V^([e_t,\tau]) = \min_{u} (l(e_t,u) + \gamma\mathbb{E}{e{t+1,t+1}\sim p_f(.|e_t,u)}[V^([e_{t+1},\tau + 1])] $$
The above equation can be solved by value iteration or policy iteration or generalized policy iteration.
The objective is to find an optimal value and policy using both these formulations.
Controller No Noise | Controller With Noise |
This is the main entry point to the program. Uncomment/comment the controller to see it working.
This file implements a CEC class which sets up the formulation and used a non linear solver called Casadi to find solutions.
This file implements a GPI class which solves the bellman equation using policy and value iteration.
This file contains code for visualising and plotting the results.
This file implements value iteration and policy iteration for a specific forzen lake problem.