This package is designed to let us talk to this thing using node on a Rasberry Pi running Raspbian.
That is, we can detect button presses and write stuff to the display.
npm install adafruit-mcp23008-ssd1306-node-driver
Try this to run a quick demo. It echos button presses to the display.
const adafruit = require("adafruit-mcp23008-ssd1306-node-driver")
Here's how to do it yourself:
const adafruit = require("adafruit-mcp23008-ssd1306-node-driver")
const ButtonDriver = adafruit.ButtonDriver
const DisplayDriver = adafruit.DisplayDriver
const busNumber = 1
const displayAddress = 0x3c
const displayDriver = new DisplayDriver(busNumber, displayAddress)
const buttonsAddress = 0x20
const buttonDriver = new ButtonDriver(busNumber, buttonsAddress)
buttonDriver.watchAllButtons(function(buttonPin) {
displayDriver.writeText("Clicked button #" + buttonPin)
displayDriver.writeText("OK, click some buttons")
console.log("Check the display...")
You can also watch just one button:
buttonDriver.watchButton(1, function(buttonPin) {
console.log("Clicked button #" + buttonPin)
You can also display QR codes:
Note that the display driver runs a background loop to keep the display refreshed. So your process won't exit until you call:
This driver has a "tab" mechanism, using the metaphor of tabs in a web browser. Send the tab name as the last parameter of any method. If you don't specify a tab, it will use "default". Switch the current using displayDriver.showTab(...).
displayDriver.writeText("First tab", 0, 0, false, "tab1")
displayDriver.writeText("Second tab", 0, 0, false, "tab2")
If you write stuff on a tab that isn't the current tab, then nothing changes on the display until you show that tab. Just like with real tabs.
If you are in a development environment with no access to the actual screen, you can use the fakes.
const adafruit = require("adafruit-mcp23008-ssd1306-node-driver")
console.log("Has driver: ", adafruit.hasDriver())
const fakeDisplayDriver = new adafruit.FakeDisplayDriver()
const fakeButtonDriver = new adafruit.FakeButtonDriver()
- FakeDisplayDriver: has all the same methods as DisplayDriver, but displays on the terminal instead of the SSD1306 display.
- FakeButtonDriver: has all the same methods as ButtonDriver, but you simulate button presses using your keyboard (press 0, 1, or 2).
The button stuff is a node port of this code:
For display stuff is a wrapper around: