Mounts on PCB using the speaker location and the original motherboard keyboard connector (see media folder for additional visuals).
Implements CP/M 2.2 launch (F1) and Basic disk load (F2) command macros.
Enables Ctrl+key and Escape sequences using actual Ctrl key Esc keys in CP/M 2.2.
Actual PCB and some components:
Limitations and to do's:
Firmware is still work in progress. Ctrl key (which is enabling/disabling E mode in Basic) seems to work fine in CP/M but there is a sneaky bug related key repetition in Basic; it is possible that the PS2 keycode processing gets in a state where a key is repeated and only a reset (really a poweroff) of the microcontroller fixes it
PS2 Mouse functions are not implemented yet (it is not possible without additional wiring to signals on the motherboard)
Soft reset (e.g., by Ctrl-Alt-Delete) is possible with one additional wire to the appropriate signal on the motherboard and a minor change in firmware