- Reichmann, Oliver (@olliwho)
- Umfahrer, Michael (@Umfi)
- Kutschka, Lorenz (@znerol74)
- Schaffer, Michael (@michaelschaffer)
- Schnögl, Bernhard (@ber-nsn)
- Schrey, David-Sebastian (@dschrey)
- Schöllauf, Manuel (@ManuelSchoellauf)
- Staubmann, Christoph (@chstaub)
A user-driven recipe collection for cocktails for everyone that likes to make their own more or less fancy drinks but does not know how to make them. The idea is that every user can create an account where he or she can add their own drinks, get ideas for new drinks, save recipes to their favorits, rate drinks or just browse for new ideas.
- Register page (Issues #1, #26, #40)
- Login page (Issues #2, #27)
- Recipe Overview (Issues #7, #28, #41)
- App Backend (Issues #20, #23, #24, #25)
- Communication between frontend and backend (Issue #30, #40)
- Russian Laguage support (Issues #39, #44)
- User Log out (Issues #51, #56)
- Feature to delete recipes (Issues #16, #6, #64, #67)
- A detailed recipe view (Issues #17, #52)
- Feature to like recipes (Issues #18, #57)
- Feature to add recipes (Issues #3, #53)
- Feature to rate recipes (Issues #4, #65)
- Profile overview with liked/created recipes and settings (Issues #12, #13)
- User can add their own ingridiens to a recipe (Issue #76)
- Search functionality in recipe list (Issue #8)
- View for recommended drinks (Issue #10)
- User can filter by ingredient in the recipe search (Issue #9)
- User can add a photo url to the cocktail recipe that will get shown in the list and detail page (Issue #89)