Tools for stacking and masking ESA's Sentinel-2 data and data from the Harmonized Landsat-Sentinel-2 dataset.
These Jupyter notebooks are being provided simply to help others in an informal way. I've tried to keep them clean and well-commented, but don't hesitate to reach out if something is confusing.
"Sentinel-2 Mask_Stack_revised" is a notebook that, as you might guess, masks and stacks S2 imagery. You need only download the imagery and point the system to the IMG_DATA folder. WINDOWS USERS: you will need to change "/" to "" for this to work for you. I've tried to highlight where this needs done. I only use select bands and mask everything except vegetation, but this can easily be changed for your needs.
"Sentinel-2 Stack_only" is a notebook that just stacks S2 imagery. Its currently set to certain bands (visible, RE, NIR, SWIR1 and SWIR2), but this is easily adjusted in the code.
"Take HLS data and write to GeoTif" does a similar thing, but with images from NASA's Harmonized Landsat-Sentinel-2 dataset ( I wrote this bit of code a while back and borrowed heavily from colleagues. It works just fine for me, but its a bit more messy and you may choose to edit it a bit for your needs.