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Add a github workflow for Linux based on the swiftlang template #3

Add a github workflow for Linux based on the swiftlang template

Add a github workflow for Linux based on the swiftlang template #3

Workflow file for this run

name: Pull request
types: [opened, reopened, synchronize]
name: Soundness
uses: swiftlang/github-workflows/.github/workflows/soundness.yml@main
license_header_check_enabled: false
license_header_check_project_name: ""
api_breakage_check_enabled: false
docs_check_enabled: false
format_check_enabled: false
shell_check_enabled: false
unacceptable_language_check_enabled: true
name: Test
uses: swiftlang/github-workflows/.github/workflows/swift_package_test.yml@main
node-version: 18.x

Check failure on line 24 in .github/workflows/pull_request.yml

View workflow run for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Pull request

Invalid workflow file

The workflow is not valid. .github/workflows/pull_request.yml (Line: 24, Col: 21): Invalid input, node-version is not defined in the referenced workflow.
# linux_os_versions: "[\"jammy\", \"noble\", \"focal\", \"amazonlinux2\", \"rhel-ubi9\", \"bookworm\", \"fedora39\"]"
# Not working: noble (compile error in TSC Filesystem), bookworm (missing memory.h), fedora39 (missing memory.h)
linux_os_versions: "[\"jammy\", \"focal\", \"amazonlinux2\", \"rhel-ubi9\"]"
# We only care about the current stable release, because that's where we make our swiftly releases
linux_exclude_swift_versions: "[{\"swift_version\": \"nightly-main\"},{\"swift_version\": \"nightly-6.0\"},{\"swift_version\": \"5.8\"},{\"swift_version\": \"5.9\"},{\"swift_version\": \"5.10\"}]"
linux_pre_build_command: ((apt-get update && apt-get -y install curl make) || ((curl --help || yum -y install curl) && yum -y install make)) && ./scripts/
enable_windows_checks: false