This Docker image contains all dependencies required to build React Android apps based on React Native and ensures that build happens in the clear environment.
You can rebuild it by issuing the following command:
Optionally you can add the following variables:
, which will add -0, -1, -2... suffix to the build image. If not specified it is set to 0.IMAGE=name
, which will override default image name. If not specified it is set toswmansion/react-native-android
The built image will have a docker tag of with version of the following syntax:
It may look inconvenient to use but it allows you to refer to particular combination of versions if you're using CI.
Typically if you want to invoke a build of a React Native app using that image you should call the following commands from your application's directory:
Enter the image, while mounting application as /app
docker run --rm -ti -v `pwd`:/app swmansion/react-native-android:10.13.0-1.10.1-4333796-27-28.0.3-0 bash
Inside the container, change the directory to the application's directory:
cd /app
Install dependencies:
yarn install
Invoke the actual build (debug build in such case):
cd android && ./gradlew assembleDebug
The .apk file will be located at /app/android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0