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  1. Don't forget to run :PlugInstall after you've copied everything in your homedir.
  2. Install ccls on your system, it's better than clangd because it allows multiple subprojects to have their own compile_commands.json or .ccls file
  3. For your own sanity when using Autotools projects or ones that just use make also install bear in order to get a compile_commands.json file. Alternatively use compiledb and look on the project website for ways of dry-running and gettin a build log from it.
  4. [IF USING YCM] For YouCompleteMe you need python3-dev build-essential and cmake3 on ubuntu. Find equivalent for your distro. On Fedora you need clang-tools-extra, it'll pull in all the other dependencies, aside from that also install python3-devel and for usual build stuff dnf group install 'Development Tools', oh and CMake, you need to sudo dnf/apt install cmake a. You need to run the following command in the YouCompleteMe folder --clangd-completer.
  5. [IF USIGN CCLS] Install npm and yarn. (See project git page tor installation of dependencies).
  6. If you're using linux try Cascadia Code Light Font, hope you like it
  7. Don't forget to mkdir ~/.zsh && ln -s $PWD .git-completion.zsh ~/.zsh/_git to have zsh completions


Configuration stuff for when I move to a new PC






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