Database agnostic SQL code generation for Dapper without POCO attributes and Entity Framework Core compatible schema definition.
Dapper database agnostic async SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, MERGE queries and a file or resource database migration tool
Create model from db:
dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "Server=.\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDb;Trusted_Connection=True;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -o Models
Use the model above:
Available functions:
using Dapper.SqlGenerator;
string insertSql = connection.Sql().Insert<Product>();
string insertAndReturnSql = connection.Sql().InsertReturn<Product>();
string updateSql = connection.Sql().Update<Product>();
string deleteSql = connection.Sql().Delete<Product>();
string tableName = connection.Sql().Table<Order>();
string commaSeparatedNonKeyColumns = connection.Sql().GetColumns<Order>(ColumnSelection.NonKeys | ColumnSelection.Computed);
string keysAtQueryParams = connection.Sql().GetParams<Order>(ColumnSelection.Keys);
string columnEqualParams = connection.Sql().GetColumnEqualParams<Order>(ColumnSelection.NonKeys);
connection.Sql().HasColumnSet("unique_order", x => x.OrderId, x => x.ProductId);
string upsertMergeSql = connection.Sql().Merge<Order>("unique_order");
using Dapper.SqlGenerator;
using Dapper.SqlGenerator.Async;
connection.Sql().HasColumnSet<Product>("id+kind+content", x => x.Id, x => x.Kind, x => x.Content);
var all = await connection.SelectAsync<Product>();
var allWithSomeColumns = await connection.SelectAsync<Product>("id+kind+content");
var filtered = await connection.SelectWhereAsync<Product>("WHERE Kind > 5");
var firstWithSomeColumns = await connection.SelectFirstAsync<Product>(new { Id = 1 }, "id+kind+content");
var fisrtOrNull = connection.SelectFirstOrDefaultAsync<Product>(new { Id = -1 });
var single = = await connection.SelectSingleAsync<Product>(new { Id = 1 });
var singleOrNull = = await connection.SelectSingleOrDefaultAsync<Product>(new { Id = 1 });
var rows1 = await connection.InsertAsync(new Product { Kind = 4, Content = "Square" });
var inserted1 = await connection.InsertReturnAsync(new Product { Kind = 7, Content = "Triangle" });
var rows2 = await connection.UpdateAsync(new Product { Id = 1, Kind = 66, Content = "Modified" });
var deleted = await connection.DeleteAsync(new Product { Id = 2 });
connection.Sql().HasColumnSet<Product>("content", x => x.Content);
var insertedOrUpdated = await connection.MergeAsync(new Product { Kind = 7, Content = "Triangle", Value = 123 }, "content", "id+kind+content");
Database migration from scripts embedded as resources in MigrationResources namespace, for Sqlite:
using Dapper.SqlGenerator.Async.Migration;
var connectionString = "Data Source=:memory:";
await using var connection = new SQLiteConnection(connectionString);
var namespaceName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name + ".MigrationResources";
var noMigrationsApplied = await connection.InitDatabase(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), namespaceName);