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#1 IoT Outsourcing Services

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  1. Realtime-GPS-tracking Realtime-GPS-tracking Public

    Realtime GPS tracking your location and share with friend

    HTML 12 10

  2. RTOS-RTX51-Tiny-Tutorial RTOS-RTX51-Tiny-Tutorial Public

    RTOS RTX51 Tiny Tutorial with 89s52, Proteus simulator, Keilc

    C 5 6

  3. HomeKit HomeKit Public

    Forked from aanon4/HomeKit

    HomeKit for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) for Nordic nRF51


  4. ESP8266-HomeKit ESP8266-HomeKit Public

    Forked from HomeACcessoryKid/ESP8266-HomeKit

    HomeKit server Native on ESP8266_RTOS with an API approach


  5. contrib-drivers contrib-drivers Public

    Forked from androidthings/contrib-drivers

    Open source peripheral drivers


  6. esp-link esp-link Public

    Forked from jeelabs/esp-link

    esp8266 wifi-serial bridge, outbound TCP, and arduino/AVR/LPC/NXP programmer

    C 1


Showing 7 of 7 repositories

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