A student project of a digital bullet journal. You can plan your week, make Notes, create a Timetable and much more! MyBook helps you organise your Study and private life.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
Constanze Becker, Tamanna, Jule Zirger
- Welcome Page with addvertisment video
- Functional registration page
- Functional login page
- Overview page with favourite note , timetable preview, todo list
- Notes page with textarea to save small notes
- Assignment planner
- Examen planner
- Customizable timetable
This Project uses a React App with an Flask Backend which is connected to MongoDB Atlas. The Design is made with Bootstrap
- For Windows, download and install Node.js (LTS version) on your local machine from the official Node.js website (https://nodejs.org/en/download/)
- Details on installing Node.js on different operating systems can be found on the website (https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/)
- For Windows, download and install Python from their official website (https://www.python.org/downloads/)
- Details on installing Python on different operating systems can be found on the website (https://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide/Download)
- npm install (install needed node packages)
- npm start (start the react app)
- cd api (Change the Directory)
- venv\Scripts\activate (activate the virtual environment for windows)
- source venv/bin/activate (activate the virtual environment for linux/macOS)
- pip install flask (install Flask in the project)
- pip install flask python-dotenv (A module which changes the FLASK_APP variable)
- pip install dnspython
- pip install flask-pymongo
- pip install flask-bcrypt
- pip install flask-cors
- pip install flask-jwt-extended
- pip install zeep
- flask run (Start flask)