A ShellJS plugin for generating a nicely formatted list of authors.
Let's assume that we're inside a git repo, and the output of git shortlog -se
gives us something like:
24 Andrew Powlowski <[email protected]>
39 Gregorio Heaney <[email protected]>
55 Miller Reichel <[email protected]>
70 Mervin Graham <[email protected]>
99 Hallie Paucek <[email protected]>
We want to generate a nicely formatted list of authors sorted alphabetically by author name. There are two ways to do that with this module, first you can use it as a ShellJS plugin:
const shell = require('shelljs')
const authors = shell.authors()
Andrew Powlowski <[email protected]>
Gregorio Heaney <[email protected]>
Miller Reichel <[email protected]>
Mervin Graham <[email protected]>
Hallie Paucek <[email protected]>
Or you can use it via the CLI:
$ shelljs-authors
Andrew Powlowski <[email protected]>
Gregorio Heaney <[email protected]>
Miller Reichel <[email protected]>
Mervin Graham <[email protected]>
Hallie Paucek <[email protected]>
If you'd prefer the list be sorted by number of commits per author, pass the -n
const shell = require('shelljs')
const authors = shell.authors('-n')
Hallie Paucek <[email protected]>
Mervin Graham <[email protected]>
Miller Reichel <[email protected]>
Gregorio Heaney <[email protected]>
Andrew Powlowski <[email protected]>
$ shelljs-authors -n
Hallie Paucek <[email protected]>
Mervin Graham <[email protected]>
Miller Reichel <[email protected]>
Gregorio Heaney <[email protected]>
Andrew Powlowski <[email protected]>
- Optional Sort the list by number of commits per author.
$ shelljs-authors -h
Usage: shelljs-authors [options]
Generate a nicely formatted list of authors
-V, --version output the version number
-n, --numbered Sort by number of commits per author
-h, --help output usage information
$ shelljs-authors
$ shelljs-authors -n
$ npm i -D shelljs shelljs-plugin-authors
$ npm i -g shelljs shelljs-plugin-authors