A Next.js, Expo, and Supabase template for building full-stack web and mobile applications. This project provides a comprehensive foundation for building cross-platform applications with a modern tech stack.
├── apps/
│ ├── mobile-app/ # Expo React Native app with Tamagui UI
│ ├── web-app/ # Next.js 15 app with shadcn/ui
│ └── supabase/ # Supabase configuration and migrations
├── shared/ # Shared utilities and types
├── package.json # Root workspace config
└── pnpm-workspace.yaml # Monorepo configuration
- 🌐 Cross-platform application support (Web, iOS, Android)
- 🔐 Supabase authentication and real-time features
- 💾 Shared state management with Legend State
- 🎨 Modern UI with shadcn/ui (web) and Tamagui (mobile)
- 📦 Monorepo setup with PNPM workspaces
- 🔄 Real-time updates and notifications
- 🗄️ Supabase storage for media handling
- 🚀 Next.js API routes for backend functionality
- Frontend (Web): Next.js 15, shadcn/ui, Legend State
- Frontend (Mobile): Expo, Tamagui, Legend State
- Backend: Supabase, Next.js API Routes
- Database: PostgreSQL (via Supabase)
- State Management: Legend State
- Package Management: PNPM
- Node.js 20+
- PNPM 10+
- Supabase CLI
- iOS/Android simulators (for mobile development)
- Clone and Install Dependencies
git clone repo-url
cd community-platform
pnpm install
- Environment Setup
Copy the example environment files and update with your values:
cp apps/web-app/env.example apps/web-app/.env
cp apps/mobile-app/env.example apps/mobile-app/.env
- Start Supabase Local Development
pnpm supabase:start
- Run the Application
Web Application:
pnpm dev:web
Mobile Application:
pnpm dev:mobile
For specific parts of the project:
Web application
pnpm install --filter web-app <package-name>
Mobile application
pnpm install --filter mobile-app <package-name>
Shared utilities
pnpm install --filter shared <package-name>
pnpm test
pnpm supabase:migrate
pnpm supabase:migrate:pull
The Next.js application is deployed on Coolify using Docker containerization. The deployment configuration can be found in .coolify/Dockerfile
PreBuild the Expo application using Expo prebuild:
pnpm build:mobile
The Supabase project is deployed on Coolify using coolify template for supabase.
The Supabase types are generated using the Supabase CLI from your local supabase project.
pnpm supabase:genTypes
The types are generated in the shared
folder in the supabaseTypes.ts file and are used in the services/supabase
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature
) - pull your local supabase to create a new migration if you made changes to using supabase ui
- Commit your changes (
git commit -m 'Add some amazing feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/amazing-feature
) - Open a Pull Request with staging branch
- joe will review your PR and merge it into the staging branch
- joe will deploy the staging branch to the production environment in main branch