Releases: tattoo-analysis/tattoo_pigments_spectral_libraries
Releases · tattoo-analysis/tattoo_pigments_spectral_libraries
Tattoo analysis
- Fixed a few bugs in auto-batch mode
- Export of spectral library matching results to graphics (pdf,eps,svg,emf) and report as csv
Important release of new functions:
- Import library formats (json, mgf, msp...) as raw data file (raw data import)
- Export all clustered spectra to library format
- Auto batch mode: Apply a batch to a list of raw data files
- Select a batch file (needs to start with raw data import or clustered raw data import)
- Select a text file with file paths - automatically registers updates to the file
- Multi-threaded mass detection on large single files
- Carbon Black identifier added to feature list methods/carbon black ID (identifies multiples of carbon Cn-Cm)
- Library matching results:
- Shows library matching results from multiple selected feature list rows
- Annotations for ion types (adducts, multimers, fragments) and for neutral mass differences (PEG, ...)
- Option to filter matching results to reduce multiple matches to the same compound/library spectra (show best score, highest explained intensity, and combined score)
- Important fix for NullPointerExeption in creation of feature list for merged spectra
- Added explained library signals and library intensity as measure of spectra similarity
- Added sorting of library matches by explained library intensity - and combined score (explained intensity+match score*weight)/(weight+1)
- Fixed a few bugs
- Fixed MS2 scans in clustered spectra
- Added SPICI, MALDI2, LDI2 to the library generation ion source selection
- Added tool to convert MS2 spectral libraries to GNPS feature-based molecular networking (FBMN) input files
Added specific features for the library matching workflow used for LDI-MS analysis of tattooed skin samples.
- Speed up imzML import
- Added spectra clustering module to extract sum/median/maximum spectra
- Added import+cluster imzml spectra module to speed up the processing of imzML files
- Added batch files to the batch folder for the clustering-library matching workflow
An MZmine version with basic imzML data import for imaging mass spectrometry. This enables mass spectral library matching for imzML spectra.