A ROS driver for the mvbluefox3 for the rpi4 model-b (4gb). This driver is coupled with the bno055/mpu9150 IMU's drivers from TAU-adl to present a hardware synchronized sensor configuration for visual-intertial slam.
Features so far:
- image and camera info publication as ROS messages
- acquisition configuration
- resolution configuration
- device pixel format
- readout (and ROS msg) pixel format
- trigger enable/disable, source and activation mode*
- manual, constant exposure time configuration*
- autoexposure mode configuration, including minimum and maximum exposure time*
(* = Dynamically reconfigurable parameters. Other parameters are set at launch.) To set parameters dynamically, run rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
The mvIMPACT_Acquire
library corresponding to your camera is required to be installed and in present path (must be findable by CMake, installation instructions: https://www.matrix-vision.com/manuals/mvBlueFOX3/mvBC_page_quickstart.html#mvBC_subsubsection_quickstart_linux_requirements_installing).
C++ standard >= c++11
is required for compilation.
Tested with ROS Melodic, but should work with older/newer versions as well.
~camera_serial (string)
- The camera serial as extracted from list-cameras. This is a mandatory parameter, to be set as 'serial:=XXXX' on launch.
~camera_name (string)
- The camera name. This is a mandatory parameter, and set to default of 'bluefox3_XXXXX' (serial) on launch.
~frame_id (string)
- The node frame_id. This is a mandatory parameter, and set to default of camera name on launch.
~calib_url (string)
- YAML calibration file URL. Currently not used.
~acquisition_mode (string, default: Continuous)
- sets acquisiotion mode to 'Continuous' - video capture.
- other possible values are 'SingleFrame' - still capture, and 'MultipleFrame' - burst capture (unused).
~exposure_time (string, default: 10000)
- sets manual exposure time if AEC mode is off.
- reasonable values are from 5000 - 60000.
~exposure_auto (string, default: Continuous)
- sets AEC mode to 'Continuous' - the exposure is calculated online, frame-to-frame.
- other possible values are 'Once' - calculate on initialization, and 'Off' - manual exposure time.
~exposure_auto_upper_limit (double, default: 25000.0)
- sets maximal exposure time if AEC mode is on.
- reasonable values are from 15000 - 60000.
~exposure_auto_lower_limit (double, default: 10000.0)
- sets minimal exposure time if AEC mode is on.
- reasonable values are from 5000 - 15000.
~exposure_auto (string, default: Continuous)
- sets AEC mode to 'Continuous - the exposure is calculated online, frame-to-frame.
- other possible values are 'Once' - calculate on initialization, and 'Off' - manual exposure time.
Triggering Parameters ~trigger_enable (string, default: On)
- Camera trigger functionality enabled.
- Other possible values are 'Off' - camera trigger funcionality disabled.
~trigger_select (string, default: FrameStart)
- Camera trigger functionality starts frame acquisition.
- For other possible values see wxPropView.
~trigger_source (string, default: Software)
- Camera trigger functionality starts on Software call.
- For other possible values see wxPropView.
~trigger_activation (string, default: AnyEdge)
- If camera trigger functionality's source is an I/O line, set it to trigger on rising and falling edge.
- For other possible values see wxPropView.
Originally forked from https://github.com/ctu-mrs/bluefox3_ros The code was inspired by the KumarRobotics driver for bluefox2: https://github.com/KumarRobotics/bluefox2.