A website where users can browse and upload schedules and four year plans.
This was an independent project that I worked on to address a common need that I saw among my college peers: guidance for four year plans and semester schedules. Not all college students follow the straight path that their major dictates; some students may have multiple majors or pursue a track, like medicine, that is completely different from their major and wonder how upperclassmen or alumni who followed their same interests managed to graduate.
Users can browse schedules with multiple types of form elements (i.e. major, minor, term, year, track, keyword search), comment, and upload their own schedules.
Languages Used: HTML/CSS, PHP, JavaScript, SQL
View Site Here: https://intense-lake-76623.herokuapp.com/index.php
Resources consulted: Code and lecture material of Professor Kyle Harms from INFO 2300 course at Cornell University, and Kartikaybhutani https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/javascript-auto-complete-suggestion-feature/