This will install the packages the frontend needs.
cd skepsi_frontend
yarn install
cd skepsi_frontend
yarn storybook
Hint: this is not what you want. Run storybook instead.
cd skepsi_frontend
yarn start
cd skepsi_backend
python3 runserver
The GraphiQL interface is on the default server endpoint
Push a new build of master to heroku with:
git push heroku master
You must be in the appropriate git repository to do so
Production and development settings should be configured using the .env files in backend and frontend. Comment out all variables (#) that are associated with production/development, and uncomment those associated with development/production
Every time you add a new library to the backend, you need to:
- install it with poetry: poetry add
- freeze poetry into a new requirements.txt file:
poetry export -f requirements.txt --output requirements.txt --without-hashes
If you try to push to heroku, and you get an error message about concurrent builds, try (in order):
heroku builds:cancel
heroku builds:cache:purge
heroku restart
*wait a bit*
git push heroku master
If this doesn't work, find Finn.
Production servers remain running with their git version until they're updated with git push. This means that you will still be able to access the (old) production build while working with the development build. Make sure if you're adding something to the production build that you set all of the variables correctly.