A lightweight Swift library supporting convertion between Chinese(both Simplified and Tranditional) characters and Pinyin.
Specify "HanziPinyin" in your Cartfile
github "teambition/HanziPinyin"
Specify "HanziPinyin" in your Podfile
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'HanziPinyin'
// PinyinToneType: none, toneNumber
// PinyinVCharType: vCharacter, uUnicode, uAndColon
// PinyinCaseType: lowercased, uppercased, capitalized
let outputFormat = PinyinOutputFormat(toneType: .none, vCharType: .vCharacter, caseType: .lowercased)
print("我爱ä¸æ–‡".toPinyin(withFormat: outputFormat, separator: " "))
// wo ai zhong wen
print("我愛說ä¸åœ‹è©±".toPinyin(withFormat: outputFormat, separator: " "))
// wo ai shuo zhong guo hua
// wazw
print("I love Chinese.".toPinyin())
// I love Chinese.
"我爱ä¸æ–‡".toPinyin { (pinyin) in
// do something
"我爱ä¸æ–‡".toPinyinAcronym { (pinyin) in
// do something
// true
print("I love Chinese.".hasChineseCharacter)
// false
iOS 8.0
HanziPinyin is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
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