A TypeScript parser for Techmino base64-encoded replays.
This parser is based on Techmino's algorithm used to parse the replays, available here.
Credits to SweetSea for helping me verify the results using their own parser written in Python!
They also helped as a reference for the very early versions before the parser was completely remade, with Techmino's code as a reference.
You'll need Deno to build this project.
deno install
deno run build
You can grab the TypeScript version in /src/
, or the JavaScript version in /dist/
Sample code is available in the demo-file.html
and demo-b64.html
// Getting replay data from `.rep` file
import { parseReplayFromBuffer, type GameReplayData } from 'techmino-replay-parser';
// Binary encoded replay file.
// It's the one in `(Techmino save dir)/replay/`.
const compressedRepFile: File = '...';
// We first convert it to an array buffer.
const arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer = compressedRepFile.arrayBuffer();
// Then we convert it to a Uint8Array.
const buffer = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
// Then we get the replay data.
const replayData: GameReplayData = await parseReplayFromBuffer(buffer);
// Getting replay data from pasted base64 string
// (You can get this by pressing the export button in Techmino's replay list)
import { parseReplayFromRepString, type GameReplayData } from 'techmino-replay-parser';
// Base64 encoded replay data.
const base64Replay: string = '...';
const replayData: GameReplayData = await parseReplayFromRepString(base64);
To test this project, simply run the tests with Bun:
bun test
To add a new test case, you can create a new JSON file in /tests/testcases
. Its format is:
"replay": "Insert your replay in base-64 format here. You can simply paste the garbled text you get from exporting a replay to the clipboard.",
"expected": {
"comment": "The 'expected' object is what you expect out of the parser.",
"comment_2": "You can omit fields you don't want to test, like the username.",
"comment_3": "The test only checks if whatever you put here, is a *superset* of the object that the parser outputs.",
"comment_4": "This means that if the parser outputs more fields than you put here, the test will still pass."