What's Changed
- Fancy new threads view view by @TobiasAdler in #350
- New timings charts for showing test durations and session timings by @selinanatschke-mms in #358
- Selenium 4 update to 4.14.1 by @martingrossmann in #366
- Updated log4j2.xml example with Selenium 4 specifics by @martingrossmann in #352
- Fix/mail connector attachments by @TobiasAdler in #355
- Fix/356 ttscreenshotteractive causes npe at collected assertions by @martingrossmann in #357
- Bump postcss and css-loader in /report-ng/app by @dependabot in #359
- Fix/layout model by @martingrossmann in #354
- UiElementList Iterator by @tomg246 in #360
- Report: Fix missing font data-urls by @conradstrassburger in #361
- Feature/timing collector by @martingrossmann in #351
- fixed overflowing of stacktrace lines and assertion error title by @selinanatschke-mms in #362
- Fixed reference layout test images by @martingrossmann in #364
- Bugfix failure aspects by @selinanatschke-mms in #363
- Removed property to reuse a webdriver in dataprovider by @martingrossmann in #353
- Prevent for NPEs in ContextExporter by @martingrossmann in #365
- Fix/layout test images again by @martingrossmann in #368
New Contributors
- @selinanatschke-mms made their first contribution in #362
Full Changelog: 2.4...2.5