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envd-server is the backend server for envd, which talks to Kubernetes and manages environments for users.


helm install --debug envd-server ./manifests
# skip 8080 if you're going to run the envd-server locally
kubectl --namespace default port-forward service/envd-server 8080:8080 &
kubectl --namespace default port-forward service/envd-server 2222:2222 &

To run the envd-server locally:

make build-local
./bin/envd-server --kubeconfig $HOME/.kube/config --hostkey manifests/secretkeys/hostkey


envd context create --name server --runner envd-server --runner-address http://localhost:8080 --use
envd login
envd create --image gaocegege/test-envd

Development Guide of Dashboard


Enter into ./dashboard directory to develop just like normal vue application.

If you want to build envd-server with dashboard

pushd dashboard
npm install
npm run build
 DASHBOARD_BUILD=release make build-local

When envd-server is running, you can visit http://localhost:8080/dashboard to see it.

Develop locally

  • Port forward the postgresql service to local
kubectl port-forward svc/postgres-service 5432:5432
  • Setup environment variable
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config
export ENVD_DB_URL=postgres://postgresadmin:admin12345@localhost:5432/postgresdb?sslmode=disable
  • Run envd-server locally
./bin/envd-server --debug --no-auth # Remove no-auth if auth is needed