An s expression parser.
{expression} := {item} {whitespace} {expression}
{item} := {token} | {escaped-token} | {string} | ( {expression} )
{token} is a sequence of characters except whitespace, single quote, open and closing parentheses.
{escaped-token} is a sequence of characters enclosed inside single quotes and can contain whitespaces, single quotes, open and closing parentheses, but they need to be escaped with a back-slash.
{string} is a sequence of characters enclosed inside <% and %>. All characters except <% and %> are allowed and no characters should be escaped. This can contain newline characters.
npm install tm-parser
var tmParser = require('tm-parser');
var input = "(x y z (1 2) 'Hello World' <%String with ' ( ), no need to escape anything!%>)";
console.log(JSON.stringify(tmParser.parse(input)[0], null, 2));
"Hello World",
"String with ' ( ), no need to escape anything!"