The-Octopus-Test is a community driven tool that is fully featured and that you can get started with in moments.
My goal is to make test automation easy, robust, independent and featured.
This simple documentation will help you with all the details you need to use The-Octopus-Test Framework to create effective test automation.
The-Octopus-Test Framework is a Hybrid test automation framework, that combines features of (Modular, Keyword Driven and Data driven).
As of now, I'm using the Microsoft excel Data Sheet as a database source for the managment and control of KeyWords and Execution Flow.
Data Driven:
- All test data is stored in Microsoft excel Data Sheet.
Keyword Driven:
- Function names are stored in Microsoft excel Data Sheet as well some flages to control which function to be executed with which data source.
Page Object pattern:
- All test cases are written under the test/pages folder.
- Each page/module has a separate file.
- More details on the POM
Common web page interaction methods:
- Added selenium extensions class to give a custom functions like Click(), sendKeys() , etc...
Common Mobile App interaction methods.
- to be added soon in next releases.
Objects shared repository:
- I recommend creating a locatores module that hold individual classes for elements on an individual page to be shared on all pages.
Extent HTML Report template:
- I used the most professional reporting tool, Extent HTML report as template to generate the test execution report.
Using The-Octopus-Test framework is identical to using a Selenium Webdriver. Once you have installed the framework to your machine.
- Importing the Octopus.OctopusCore.driver in your main.py , is enough to run the test.
- Importing the Octopus.OctopusHTMLReport.OctopusReporter , is enough to start reporting info,pass,fail and error status.
- Importing the Octopus.OctopusCore.selenium_extensions , is enough to start using the custom functions Click, findElementBy, sendKeys, waitUntilDisplay,..etc.
- It is a MUST to, follow the same project structure and name of folders as bellow.
- It is a MUST to, Do Not change the name and path of scenarios folder, it should be test / scenarios / testScenarios.py.
- It is a MUST to, Do Not change the name and path of ControlFile.xlsx folder, it should be resourcses / TestData / ControlFile.xlsx.
| |
| |
|<reports> |
| |
|<resourcses> |
| <ChromeDriver> |
| <ChromeDriver> |
| <ChromeDriver> |
| <ChromeDriver> |
| <TestData> |
| ControlFile.xlsx |
|<test> |
| <pages> |
| loginPage.py |
| homePage.py |
| .... |
| .... |
| <scenarios> |
| testScenarios.py |
| |
| |
|main.py |
| |
| |
| |
reports folder : It is auto created after test run and it contains a subfolders with time stamp for each run that has the HTMLOctopusReport.
resources folder : Contains the test browsers extensions and the test data excel sheet as follow.
- ChromeDriver folder: it contains the Chrome Driver extension.
- FireFoxriver folder: it contains the FireFox Driver extension.
- IEdgeDriver folder: it contains the Edge Driver extension.
- TestData folder: it contains the test data excel sheet ControlFile.xlsx.
- test folder : It hold all the testing related classes for individual pages and the test scenarios as well, It contains of 2 sub folders pages & scenarios.
- pages folder: we are following the POM architicture pattern, so this folder contains a python module / file for each page from the application under test.
- scenarios folder: It Contains only 1 module/file with the name testScenarios.py , and this class is the one that holds the test scenario methods that will be called by the driver module, these methods can combine more than one test method from different modules under the pages class.
- main .py: This module is the main entry point for the execution.
- In order to run our project from the command line as follow.
- open command line.
- cd to the folder contains the main .py.
- run the command
python main.py
- Go to the folder test / pages.
- Create a python file example loginPage.py.
- In order to locate an element you have to import.
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
in order to interact with the element you have to import.
from Octopus.OctopusCore.selenium_extensions import (Click, isEnabled, sendKeys,select,multi_select)
in order to syncronize the execution according to application reponse you have to import.
from Octopus.OctopusCore.selenium_extensions import (isDisplayed, isEnabled, isSelected, waitUntilDisplay, waitUntilExistInDOM, waitUntilHidden,select,multi_select)
in order to report the status about test stpes / cases you have to import.
from Octopus.OctopusHTMLReport.OctopusReporter import Reporter
Sample test calss for a login page, that i recommend to follow the same.
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By from Octopus.OctopusHTMLReport.OctopusReporter import Reporter from Octopus.OctopusCore.selenium_extensions import (Click, findElementBy, isDisplayed, isEnabled, isSelected, sendKeys, waitUntilDisplay, waitUntilExistInDOM, waitUntilHidden,select,multi_select) class LoginPage: driver = None def __init__(self,driver): self.driver = driver # https://www.codewars.com/users/sign_in # Locators Variables userName = (By.ID, 'user_email') password = (By.ID,'user_password') loginError = (By.XPATH,'//div[contains(@class,"flash-msg error")]') submitButton = (By.XPATH,'//button[@type="submit"]') lstCountriesLocator = (By.XPATH,'//button[@type="submit"]') # WebElements of the page txtUserName=None txtPassword=None btnSubmit=None lstCountries=None divNotifcation=None # setter method def set_userName(self, _userName): self.txtUserName = self.driver.findElementBy(*LoginPage.userName) self.txtUserName.sendKeys(_userName) # setter method def set_password(self, _password): self.txtPassword = self.driver.findElementBy(*LoginPage.password) self.txtPassword.sendKeys(_password) # click method def click_submit(self): self.btnSubmit = self.driver.findElementBy(*LoginPage.submitButton) self.btnSubmit.Click() # Test Method def login(self,tdr=dict()): self.set_userName(tdr["userID"]) self.set_password(tdr["Password"]) self.click_submit() # Login assertion method def login_error_displayed(self): self.divNotifcation = self.driver.findElementBy(*LoginPage.loginError) if self.divNotifcation.waitUntilDisplay(3): # report fail message to the HTMLReport and Console as well Reporter.failed("Login Failed for error : {0}".format(self.divNotifcation.text)) return False elif self.divNotifcation.waitUntilHidden(3): # report pass message to the HTMLReport and Console as well Reporter.passed("Login passed") return True
- Test method is a simple blind method that only interact with the application elements by Click(), sendKeys(), ..etc.
- As we follow the DataDriven approche it is mandatory to pass dictionary data collection to the test method.
- It is a MUST to use the dict() data collection, becuase it is a Key/Value data collection type.
- Sample test method for a login test with the dict() data type variable, that i recommend to follow the same.
# Test Method
def login(self,tdr=dict()):
- In the framework I follow the Data Driven approch, and using the Microsoft excel Sheet as Data source.
- Each application page/screen should have a separated data sheet in the ControlFile.xlsx file.
- In order to pass test data to a test method, it is MUST to pass variable of type dict() to the method.
def login(self,tdr=dict()):
- Use the passed dict() parameter to test mthod, to get the values of the data field by the name of the field as in excel data sheet.
- In the ControlFile.xlsx file, create a data sheet that has a meaningful name as per the application page.
- Create the sheet and set the first row in the sheet by column names.
- The OctopusHTMLReport has a set of functions to report status and statistics about the execution.
- In order to use the reporting mechanism of the-octopus-test framework.
# import the reporter class
from Octopus.OctopusHTMLReport.OctopusReporter import Reporter
# report info step in the report , without screen shot.
Reporter.info(" details ")
# report a success step in the report , witht screen shot.
Reporter.passed(" details ")
# report a failure step in the report , with screen shot.
Reporter.failed(" details ")
# report error step in the report , with screen shot.
# it is reocmmended to use this method in the except: Block of a Try: Block
Reporter.error(" details ")
- This Framework is implemented on a configurable / easy to use approach, so alot of things is done behinde the sceen.
- The step of getting the test data from excel sheet and map it to the test scenario method.
- The test data that was mapped in the Driver data sheet in the ControlFile.xlsx is loaded in the framework as dict() data type.
- I have created Octopus.OctopusCore.globals class to hold all global shared resources like Browser, FrameworkPath.
- The Globals.Test.Browser is to be used for initializing the page calss elements.
- The the scenario method is a MUST to has a parameter of type dict() like TestDataRow=dict().
- Is a MUST to keep scenario method static method @staticmethod.
- Is a MUST to keep the name of the class as TestScenarios.
# import the octopus supportive classes
# to report a status in the except: block
from Octopus.OctopusHTMLReport.OctopusReporter import Reporter
#inmport the test method / page class , for exmaple loginPage
from test.pages.loginPage import LoginPage
class TestScenarios:
def ValidateLogin(TestDataRow=dict()):
login_page = LoginPage(Globals.Test.Browser) # initailize object from the class loginPAge by passing the Browser.
login_page.login(TestDataRow) # passing the test data that is initialized in framework as per the driver data sheet configurations.
except Exception as error:
Reporter.failed("Validate Login Failed for {0}".format(error)) #ValidateLogin
- Do the mapping between the test scenario method and the data sheet.
- Copy the test scenario method name and put it in a new row in the Driver data sheet in the column Function_Name.
- Put the data sheet name that will be used as source for that scenario in the Driver data sheet in the column TestDataSheetName.
- Put the data sheet rows numbers in the Driver data sheet in the column TestDataSheetRowNo.
- The data sheet row Nos, can be range like 1-10 , or can be list like 1,2,3,5,8 .
- In the framework I follow the KeyWord Driven approch, and using the Microsoft excel Sheet as KeyWords source.
- To control the execution flow of the test scenarios , use the Driver data sheet in the ControlFile.xlsx.
- implement the driver data sheet by doing the mapping between scenarios test methods name and the data sheet.
- Control the execution by select the value Yes or No from the column Execution_Flag.
How to configure the environment settings Browser name, project name, URL from excel sheet Environment?
- The Framework is implemented as configurable.
- To configure the environment details please use the Environment data sheet in the ControlFile.xlsx.
- RunEnvironment : WEB / MOBILE
- RunType : Execution / Debug
- ProjectName : the_Octopus_Test
- Explorer: CHROME / IE / FIREFOX
- URL : https://www.codewars.com/users/sign_in
- Each test method / application page should have a separated data sheet.
- Dat sheet structure is recommened to be like the bellow screen.
- first column is the RowID of the data rows in the sheet.
- second column is the LoginRow to refrence the login data row from the login data sheet.
- third column is the TestCaseDescription to set a discription about the test case executed by this data row.
- fourth column is the ExpectedResult to give an exepected result for that data row.
- rest of the sheet is column names like the fields on the application page.
How to manage the login accounts for test data, exmaple selecting a login data for a specified scenario ?
- In order to map a login account to a specific test case / test data row.
- in the test data sheet make sure to let the second column name is LoginRow .
- put in that column the value of the row number from login sheet.
- use this value in you code to get the test login data from data sheet as follow.
- the DataManager class from the Octopus.OctopusCore.dataManager contains methods to get data from excel sheet.
# import the octopus DataManager class
from Octopus.OctopusCore.dataManager import DataManager
# define a variable and use the getDictionaryTableFromexcel method to get a dict() data type
# the index [0] means get only the first row from the returened set of rows.
LoginRow = DataManager.getDictionaryTableFromexcel("select * from ["Login"$] where RowID=" + rowNum )[0]
- first of all We are passing a data collection of type dict() that will provide test data to test methods in testScenarios.py.
- The name of the test data variables is defined as per the name of column in the test data excel sheet ControlFile.xlsx.
- after define the test method in test scenario class , copy this name and put in the excel sheet Driver in the workbook file ControlFile.xlsx.
I'm using the login page for the www.codewars.com.
- I defined the web elements of the login page in the class LoginPage under file.
- I defined the test scenario method of login page in the class TestScenarios under file.
- Test data is defined in the excel sheet under the
- Browsers derives is stored under the path
- Define the web elements and create the test method as per the loginpage under test/pages/loginPage.py
- Make sure to use pass a data collection of type dictionary dict() to the test method.
- define a test scenario method as per the ValidateLogin example under test/scenarios/testScenarios.py
- Configure the Excel Control file , Driver sheet with the name of your test scenario method as per the example under
Define your test data as in Excel Control file , Login sheet as per the Login sheet under Resources/TestData/ControlFile.xlsx
Make sure to use the column names in Login sheet to be same names you are using in the data dictionary passed to the test method.
Save all you work.
run the test by using the command.
python main.py
The system will run the test and generate a HTML report with date and time stamp name as per the bellow example.