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Welcome to the official repo for the alphasweb site.

To run locally

You could run this project locally on your machine.


  • NodeJS
  • NPM (Comes with NodeJS by default)


Download from Github

Using the command line

git clone

Build Setup

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Start developement server with hot reload
npm run serve

# Build for production with asset optimization and minification
npm run build

# To preview the production build locally you need to serve the dist/ folder over a HTTP server (More info here)[]
# You can use (serve)[]
npm install -g serve

# -s flag means serve it in Single-Page Application mode
# which deals with the routing problem below
serve -s dist


We really love and appreciate all your contributions! If it's a bug fix or feauture request, please go to issues and browse for open issues before opening a new one. It can be anything really ranging from a BIG feature request to a small typo fix English can be hard sometimes

To contribute, feel free to follow the following steps:

  • Fork the repository (Here's the guide)

  • Clone to your machine

    git clone
  • Run it, make your changes ✨, once you're done,

  • Create a pull request, you can notify us, and we'll review it ASAP


alphasweb is an open source project by Alphas