A Node.js module for the E*TRADE web services API.
All you need to get started with this module is your E*TRADE-supplied consumer key and consumer secret
var etrade = require('etrade');
var configuration =
useSandbox : true|false, // true if not provided
key : 'your_key',
secret : 'your_secret',
verboseLogging: true|false // true if not provided
var et = new etrade(configuration);
You now have an etrade client. Before you can do anything useful, you will need to authenticate yourself with the E*TRADE system, and a user will have to authorize your service to access his/her account data.
Authorization is a painful four step process. In general it looks like this:
- Your user logs into your site and you ask E*TRADE to generate a "request token"
- You redirect your user to E*TRADE's authorization site, where they log in and authorize your application.
- They are provided with a "verification code" (for example: H92GX) that they must copy and paste back into your site.
- You provide the verification code back to E*TRADE, and get an "access token" which permits all broader activity.
It looks like this in code:
function(authorizationUrl) {
// Your service requires users, who will need to visit
// the following URL and, after logging in and
// authorizing your service to access their account
// data, paste the E*TRADE provided verification
// code back into your application.
console.log("Please have your client visit " +
authorizationUrl +
" to authorize your service"); },
function(error) {
console.log("Error encountered while attempting " +
"to retrieve a request token: " +
error); }
The user should come back to you with their verification code, through some "out-of-band" process (you can, apparently work with E*TRADE to have them redirect your user back to your site if your service is public facing).
function() {
// Your app can start using other E*TRADE API now
function(error) {
console.log("Error encountered while attempting " +
"to exchange request token for access token: " +