Passgen - Menu Overhaul + More features.
- Added some SUS characters to the unicode list.
- Added emoji list.
- Re did the menus and it now flows and acts like a menu. (Instead of just quitting/stopping the script if something breaks.)
- Removed the "Compare Hashes" function. (I didn't see it needing to be a thing and would be more appropriate for files.)
- Added options to the menus to go back and to quit.
- Added a way for you to view the contents of "pass.txt" without having to close the script.
- Changed the generation of keys for hash values. It will now randomly assign a key and salt each time a hash is made. Instead of you having to "change the default key and salt". (If you want, you can just set the "default_key" and "salt" variables to whatever you want if you do not like how it is being done now.)