Requires C++23 or higher.
Disable adding global namespaced types
ebuild at
Versioned ztd.wrap files are in the directory wraps/
Example meson usage below, just add to
# ztd system
ztd_dep = dependency('ztd', required : true)
# ztd subproject
ztd_proj = subproject('ztd')
ztd_dep = ztd_proj.get_variable('ztd_dep')
# ztd use system or subproject
ztd_dep = dependency('ztd', required : false)
if not ztd_dep.found() # using subproject
ztd_proj = subproject('ztd')
ztd_dep = ztd_proj.get_variable('ztd_dep')
Copy include/ztd/
into your project.
meson setup ./build
ninja -C ./build
ninja -C ./build install
meson setup --buildtype=debug -Dtests=true -Db_sanitize=address,undefined ./build
ninja -C ./build test
# run the test suite
meson setup -Dbenchmarks=true -Db_sanitize=address,undefined ./build
ninja -C ./build
# run the benchmarks suite