Link | Description |
(Emacs+Org-Mode) Choosing The Best Writing And Publishing Software | Using LaTeX and Org-Mode to write and publish |
Emacs for Writers: A video presentation by Jay Dixit | Jay Dixit, science writer, explains how he uses Emacs as a non-programmer for writing, editing, and research. |
EmacsCast, Episode 8: Writing in Emacs and Org mode, part 1 | Podcast about writing short and long texts, blog posts and books in Emacs, including outlining, exporting and publishing. |
Replacing Scrivener with Emacs and Vim | (Video) How-to by Vim Valley (Vim user-focused, but discusses Emacs too) |
StackExchange: What options are there for writing better non-programming text in Emacs? | A novel writer explains some useful Emacs configuration choices he’s learned |
Tony Ballantyne: My Emacs Writing Setup | Tony Ballantyne’s Emacs configuration and workflow for fiction writing |
How I Write: My Writing Software | John Urquhart Ferguson’s discussion of how (and why) he uses Emacs for writing |
Org Mode for Writers | Viktor Bengtsson’s discussion of the benefits and challenges of using Emacs and Org-Mode to write |
Org-mode for Writing: Structure & Focus | A writer’s (brief) description of using Org-Mode to write a short story |
Woodnotes Guide to Emacs for Writers | Randall Woods’ popular guide to using and configuring Emacs for writing text |
Org As a Word Processor | Howard Abrams’ basic configuration choices to make Org-Mode look more like a ‘word processor’ |
Options for writing prose with Emacs (Reddit thread) | Several detailed (Reddit) comments on useful Emacs workflow and configuration options |
Linting prose in Emacs | Proselint, a project for ‘linting’ prose that focuses on logic and style (not spelling and grammar) |
Consistent Technical Documents Using Emacs and Org-Mode | (Video) Using Org-Mode with org-babel to create well-formed technical documents |
My Org Mode Workflow for Studies | Discussion of one person’s experience using Emacs and Org-Mode to keep class notes |
Let’s Just Use Emacs (for editing prose) | One writer’s success (and frustrations) with using Emacs for writing |
Make Emacs Like Ulysses | Discussion about how to make Emacs look/function more like the popular (MacOS/iOS only) writing app Ulysses |
Distraction-Free Writing Gnu Style | Paul Bunkham’s description of how he configured Emacs to create a ‘distraction-free’ writing environment |
Long form writing with Org Mode | Discussion of how a writer configured Emacs and Org-Mode to streamline longer-form (blog and journal) writing |
Creative writing with Emacs | Jacob Moena describes how he went from a childhood with no PCs to Commodores, WordPerfect…and eventually to Emacs. |
My Writing Setup | Bhalla Kunal’s straightforward Emacs writing setup, with monitor orientation and example screenshots. |
Really Simple Scrivener Mode | Tony Ballantyne’s configuration to mimic the basic screen layout of Scrivener. |