Core Principles
General Secruity Principles
Design Security Concepts
Least Priviledge - Only give what is needed for the task
Spearation of Duties - No one should be able to do everything
Defense in Depth - No single point of compromise
Fail Secure - On failure, Confidentiality, Availability, and Integrity remains
Economy of Mechanism - Complexity in design increases chance of security failure
Complete Mediation - Every access request should be checked for authority to do access
Open Design - No security by obscurity, security open for review
Least Common Mechanism - shared mechanims between users or processes must be minimized
Phycological Acceptability - If it doesn't make sense to the user they will try to find a way around it
Levraging Existing Components - Use existing functionality to limit attack surface
Weakest Link - security is only as good as the the weakest link in software
Single Point of Failure - do not have a single source of weakness that in complete compromise
Don't collect sensitive info unless reqired
Only keep what you must store, don't keep it longer than you have to
Reference local privacy laws
Data Anonymization - Make it not personalized
Disposal Stage - make sure you destroy it when you don't need it anymore
Data Dispostion
Regulation - How organization handles PII, PHI, PFI, or Disposal of data
Disposal - Destroy the, only valid if info is non-sensitve, make data useless
Purging - rendering media unrecoverable
Destroying - make data damaged to point of nearly impossible to revoer
Disintigration, Pulverazation, Melting
Governance, Risk and Compliance
Sarbanes-Oxley Act(SOX)
Design of internal controls for Financial and IT systems
Put in place after Enron
Basel II
Internation Standard for Bankging Regulation out Europe
Proceeded by Basel III
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act(GLBA)
Provisions to protect personal financial inormation by fananical instituions
About how you must protect personal financial information
International Regulation
Health Insurance Protability and Accountability Act HIPPA
Privacy of health data, standard of trafsfer of this data
Like GLBA for Health Data
US only Regulation
Data Protection Act
Deals with protection of personally indentifable data
Requires consent for collection of pesonal identifalbe data
Region specific
Computer Misuse Act
Early act defines kacing, unaothorized access and modification as an offense
Internal Standards (Best Practices or Guildines)
Coding Standards, can include libraries
External Standards
Insdustry standards and goverment standards
PCI (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard)
Certain elements of credit card can not be stored
NIST - US standards
Common Criteria, way to evaluate security
Risk Managment
Identify the risk profile of an application
Software Development Life Cycle
Plan, Dev, Prod, consider risk at each stage
Vulnerabliity, Asset, Threat
Attack, Likelyhood and Impact
Buisness vs Technical Risk
Ways to manage Risk
Mitigate - impliment a control to manage the risk
Tranfer - tranfer the risk to a 3rd party (use their credit card payment service)
Avoid - remove the risk, don't use the risky thing, take down the app ect
Accept - to accept risk buisness owner MUST sign off on it and understand it
Spiral every phase has a risk assesment at each phase
not prevalent
Iterative - break it up into small prototypes
Every part is done as if it's own project
Waterfall - predefined sequential phases
tratitional, requirmentts design, development, testing, deployment
Agile - most poplular
Test driven development
based on iteration
Full loop every interation
Security Methodologies
Socratic - question answer
Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information Discolsure, Denial of service, Elevation of Privilage
Discoverability, Reproducibility, Exploitability, Affected Users, Damage Potential
Flaw Hypothesi Method - Uses Pen Testing in phases
1 Hypthesize flaws in the system for documentation
2 Confirm flaws through pen-testing
3 Generalize confirmed flaws to uncover security issues
4 Add counter measures to new versions of sftware
Only known threats can be identified
Six Sigma - focusses on removing defects
defects are deviation from the requirements
Capability Maturity Model Intigration
A rating scale that can be used to measer maturity of software
1 Processa are adhoc, reative and unpredicatble
2 Repeatable project managment schedue and cost
3 Established processses, proactive and improve continuously
4 Processes are measured for improvement uing metrics
5 Continous process improvement and optimizaiton
OSSTMM Open Security Testing Methodlogoy Manual
A methodology for preforming security test
Focusses on data and mesurements
5 test channels
Security Awareness
Social Engineering
Wireless and mobile devices
Physical access
Security processes
Building security
OCTAVE Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerbilty Evaluation
Risk based security assesment methology
3 Stages
1 Build asset based threat profile
2 Identify vulnerabilities
3 Develop security strategy and plans