released this
05 Jul 10:25
142 commits
to master
since this release
What's Changed
- add verification considerations by @thomas-fossati in #2
- Generalise client ID description and rename arm_psa_partition_id by @adrianlshaw in #3
- Adding the CWT Claims List to the IANA Registry by @hannestschofenig in #5
- Removed the term "claim" from the "psa-nonce" by @hannestschofenig in #7
- media type and content format registrations by @thomas-fossati in #4
- fix example by @thomas-fossati in #9
- Use the term "nonce" instead of "auth challenge" by @hannestschofenig in #6
- Rename HW Ver to Certification Reference by @thomas-fossati in #10
- Harmonized CDDL by @hannestschofenig in #11
- avoid "line too long warning" from xml2rfc by @thomas-fossati in #12
- fix refs by @thomas-fossati in #14
- use standard claims by @thomas-fossati in #16
- slight reword of the verification section by @thomas-fossati in #19
- add xclaim to the list of implementations by @thomas-fossati in #30
- Update CBOR ref by @thomas-fossati in #31
- say that the Verifier obtains the keys from an Endorser by @thomas-fossati in #33
- more clarity around the CBOR tags to use by @thomas-fossati in #34
- Improve Implementation ID description by @adrianlshaw in #35
- add baseline requirements for crypto algorithms by @thomas-fossati in #32
- Updated contact details of Adrian by @hannestschofenig in #38
- renumber profile and ueid by @thomas-fossati in #40
- description of the Measurement Description claim by @thomas-fossati in #43
- Add requests to IANA for PSA claims by @thomas-fossati in #45
- Drop debris of partition id by @thomas-fossati in #47
- Drop the no-sw-measurement claim by @thomas-fossati in #48
- Update Adrian's e-mail address by @adrianlshaw in #52
- Small updates by @hannestschofenig in #50
- make boot-seed optional and variable length by @thomas-fossati in #54
- PSA attester description by @thomas-fossati in #56
- Build system revamp by @thomas-fossati in #60
- P2 uses EAN-13+5, P1 continues to use EAN-13 by @thomas-fossati in #62
- wordsmithing around the verification service indication claim definition by @thomas-fossati in #67
- build improvements by @thomas-fossati in #69
- update IANA section to reflect the state of the CWT registry by @thomas-fossati in #66
- RECOMMEND using RFC9053 algorithms by @thomas-fossati in #68
- ask IANA to make registrations permanent by @thomas-fossati in #70
- Update ref to the RATS architecture RFC by @thomas-fossati in #73
- clarify that SW components can be both code and config by @thomas-fossati in #74
- Use the media type framework provided by EAT-mediatypes by @thomas-fossati in #75
- update Hannes's contact by @thomas-fossati in #77
- AR4SI mappings by @thomas-fossati in #76
- provide hex dump of the example token by @thomas-fossati in #78
New Contributors
- @thomas-fossati made their first contribution in #2
- @adrianlshaw made their first contribution in #3
- @hannestschofenig made their first contribution in #5
Full Changelog: https://github.com/thomas-fossati/draft-psa-token/commits/draft-tschofenig-rats-psa-token-12