The idea from our experiment is to be able to recreate diblock microphrase separation plot. We wanted to be able to use Graph Neural Network Architecture to predict Block Copolymer phases. The best course of action to find a potential best model for our task using GraphGym to run multiple experiments using pre-built models. The BCDB data was turned into deepsnap graphs, where each graph represented a Polymer in a different phase. We had the phases of each of these graphs, which we used as the labels for our prediction.
The GraphGym
folder is forked from this repository, and we use GraphGym to test GCN, GAT, and GIN to see which model would perform best for our data.
In order to be able to turn the polymers into deepsnap graphs, we needed to process the data from our strings of Polymer chains into SMILE objects. We simplified the BigSMILE objects into SMILE objects due to our time constraints. Our polymers were processed so that our node types were strings of the atoms and that our edge types were bonds between the molecules. We included the temperature of the polymer as well as the molar mass into our graph object as well.
After processing the data, we placed created a database using the deepsnap graphs into BCDB.pkl
file. This allowed us to be able to use the databse with GraphGym. GraphGym did not support custom splits at the time, so we simply allowed it to splot our graphs into training, dev, and test sets with a 80% train, 10% dev, and 10% test split. For our labels we used the polymer's phase classification for each of the graphs.
All of this processing was done by running the following script in the root directory after having activated the conda environment specified in the environment.yml
file in the root directory.
python ./src/
Block Copolymer Phase Behavior Database(BCDB) contains 5300 entries of 61 different polymers at different temperatures and molar mass at different phases. As mentioned above, after we processed our data we saved it but we also added a BCDB database class under GraphGym/BCDB_Databse/
In order to use our custom dataset we specified the path of our dataset in our config file
Since we forked from the Stanford Network Analysis Platform(snap) repository, we run our code similar to them. We use a custom config file BCDB_Dataset.yaml
stored under run/configs
which specified our parameters for our GNN models. In order to experiment with the GNN settings and models we would edit this config file with our desired parameters. The bash script that we edited from the original GraphGym directory uses the config file to create the environment and specify the settings for the models that it tests. We also created a custom grid file under run/grids
called BCDB_grid.txt
# The recommended basic settings for GNN
out_dir: results
device: cpu
format: nx
dir: ./datasets
name: BCDB
task: graph
task_type: classification
transductive: False
split: [0.8, 0.1, 0.1]
batch_size: 32
eval_period: 20
ckpt_period: 100
type: gnn
loss_fun: cross_entropy
edge_decoding: dot
graph_pooling: add
layers_pre_mp: 1
layers_mp: 2
layers_post_mp: 1
dim_inner: 256
layer_type: gcnconv
stage_type: stack
batchnorm: True
act: prelu
dropout: 0.0
agg: add
normalize_adj: False
optimizer: adam
base_lr: 0.01
max_epoch: 100
For grid batch we run:
cd GraphGym/run
or if you would like to run a single batch then:
cd GraphGym/run
sh (to run single)