Use a terminal and vi-like key bindings to control a Roku TV or device on your local network.
Built with ruby, curses, ssdp, and the Roku External Control API.
$ gem install roku-ruby
$ roku-remote
i info
h left arrow
j down arrow
l right arrow
k up arrow
/ search
p power on
enter select
escape home screen (or cancel vi movement)
del back
0..n repeat next command N times
escape (after n) cancel N command
- volume down
= volume up
- only works with the first Roku device it finds on your network.. I only have one device to tests against, unsure what happens otherwise
- search functionality is implemented per Roku docs instructions, doesnt work though
- need a insert mode for text fields
- power off isn't documented.. -.-
- should highlight buttons on CLI screen when pressed
- should highlight numeric keys when N command activated
- Roku External Control API.
- only tested on
ruby 2.3.1p112 (2016-04-26 revision 54768) [x86_64-darwin15]
. probably doesn't work on windows from what I read.