is the latest release of the Threshold Token Dashboard. This patch release updates the rewards Merkle tree computed in threshold-network/merkle-distribution#128.
Commit hash for clean builds is 5a652fb199fdc5e80d9475094238c4a9c2e177e0
Signatures of commit hash from the development team (verify these in the Keybase app):
BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zkY6Uyez YqdubbtbSlVyMrt 6aOprCwfq8LShUp LS1yoDz2B3DrQhZ tnSlEnB52Z3Yftw wUc1FLg8K7Evp77 CUIslWgBmY3bkKM bsH1XAIjSIwPVcO HBGPDrwu1xNg2lQ a8roE7LVpcB71Ff ffJ9h1hTmc82Awa opfjJvxfMOoNRqg rHeHwflmKLNZAOF YHzhV0P1O53Md7s LilnkunBMtL4f9E . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. -
@michalsmiarowski :
BEGIN KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE. kXR7VktZdyH7rvq v5weRa0zk7SMgAL 5NY1277Utw5mA8i 1L9QkD7NpCS6kJU UaLrqKt0dBOmuxd lnbEK10Mb8UjS14 4xXADyqhQOrtI9t RvqipBvjAnTXj7W gzL9dxjY1r9pa62 rMe5CVEabqFvD0I FqDt0apZeYSX5u5 yB0x0sk1O2Jk1nA DkAvU2nyAU4sgK7 bemHloWbW7JjUez z6LG10P1O53Md7s LilnkunBMtL4f9E . END KEYBASE SALTPACK SIGNED MESSAGE.
Finally, note that the full set of work that went into this version can be found in the corresponding v1.15.2 milestone.