Save restricted Content Bot by
Contact: Telegram
A stable telegram bot to get restricted messages with custom thumbnail support , made by This bot can run in channels directly (in this case custom thumbnail not supported)
- works for both public and private chats
- Custom thumbnail support for Pvt medias
- supports text and webpage media messages
- Faster speed
- Force subscribe available
- To save from bots send link in this format :
(use plus messenger for message_id) /batch
- (For owner only) Use this command to save upto 10000 files from a pvt or public restricted channel at once./cancel
- Use this to stop batch- Time delay is added to avoid FloodWait and keep user account safe.
- Owner user idFORCESUB
- Public channel username without '@'. Don't forget to add bot in channel as administrator.
PYROGRAM SESSION: Search for it ... Make sure the source be trusted otherwise it will lead to accound delete or ban
#How to get vars - TEAM Eagle
BOT TOKEN: @Botfather on telegram
AUTH: Go to @missrose_bot, start and send /info to get your id
FORCESUB: Before starting building bots create a public channel and get the username withou '@'
Deploying Guide - TEAM Eagle
Deploy on VPS
Easy Method:
- Go to main then edit
as below - Place
befpre everyconfig
and after=
write your vars in single inverted comma. see example below
# variables
API_ID = "1234567" #config("API_ID", default=None, cast=int)
API_HASH = "1167433546577f90e4519b65634b7" #config("API_HASH", default=None)
BOT_TOKEN = "7173773796:AAEYdIdgUg1_SYR7wSaMpgY0" #config("BOT_TOKEN", default=None)
SESSION = "BQHDMOUAIOGZHesmwkhKztZ1bU7NokB1HVLtNKHAnr35ElBp-FQ7IPkvayF0s5JoOGLN44ksi4kqeUNxnG56Vd8Mh_2Lo3ICHSN2J2u0WyYIOj96FBxN2gq_iekABQkL-vdXTB1DrOswqzBJBG9RaGPFVoiEYDAd0iD2vqgT3x2wOz98gBZNKPCGpWQYbGR6GKe66W5SRZRlLWJaEDQcTEIxNF48nIEGW7cwK2AG3eR4-iyVg5Zxaje_ACeNuCN5kLtQsNkGEV23f7-EdLQTG1zKnZ57AjUvYQdJ7o1pdGhkKknUUmOcfG4xn42RbHUwccqD1CmsGLU5Zh-vTbgBGh9AiP79HAAAAAGlHSMFAA" #config("SESSION", default=None)
FORCESUB = "channel username without @" #config("FORCESUB", default=None)
AUTH = "1234567" #config("AUTH", default=None)
- Now run following commands one by one...
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ffmpeg git python3-pip
git clone your_repo_link
cd saverestrictedcontentbot
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 -m main
- if you want bot to be running in background then enter
screen -S gagan
beforepython3 -m main
- after
python3 -m main
, click ctrl+A, ctrl+D - if you want to stop bot, then enter
screen -r gagan
and to kill screen enterscreen -S gagan -X quit
Deploy your bot on heroku
» Method - 1:
- Star the repo, and fork it in desktop mode
- Go to settings of your forked repo
- Rename your repo by any other name
- Click on
» Method - 2:
- Star the repo, and fork it in desktop mode
- create app in heroku
- go to settings of
app›› config vars››
add all variables - add buildpacks
- connect to github and deploy
- turn on dynos
Editing Repo - TEAM Eagle
You can freely edit repo the customisation you can do is -
- Change command pattern like
to other name (edit this inmain/plugins/
) by searching and replacing/batch
to desired command. - Adding Custom Text in caption (edit this in
) search for
caption = f"{msg.caption}\n\n__Unrestricted by **[Team SPY](**__" if msg.caption else "__Unrestricted by **[Team SPY](**__"
change accordingly within f""
- Change Start pic and text (edit this in
) search forTEXT=
and then edit those after=
- Change Default thumbnail in main directory there is file named
remove that and upload your customthumb.jpg
- Change cancel command (edit this also in
) search for/cancel
and then change the command accordingly
Commands Available in Bot - TEAM Eagle
- to start the bot/batch
- to download the files in range/bulk by giving one post link and range value/cancel
- to cancel the onging /batch task/stats
- to viewing the statics of bot/speedtest
- can be executed by owner only