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GameMaker clone. Fork of enigma-dev. GameMaker-compatible.
- Create Games for many supported Desktop Platforms.
- GPLv3 crap will be replaced with permissive code over time.
- Build AppImages with GMAppImager (separate download).
- WebM Video Playback support (no patent issues or fees).
- Joystick Support (cheated a little with using SDL2 library).
- Improved UTF-8 Support on Windows (non-Latin support).
- Expanded upon Shell and Process Execution (process info).
- Improved upon Dialog Box and Graphical Widgets Systems.
Supported Platforms (Examples):
- Windows i686 7/8/8.1/10/11
- Windows x86-64 7/8/8.1/10/11
- Mac OS X x86-64/ARM64 10.15+
- Ubuntu/Debian/RPiOS/KDEneon
- Arch-Linux/Manjaro/SteamOS
- Fedora/CentOS/RedHat-Linux
Completed Game:
Example Projects:
"STIGMA" is a recursive acronym, which stands for, "Stigma Is Not a Game Maker Augmentation"...
...that actually spells "SINGMA", because we are not very good at coming up with acronyms...
A fork of the ENIGMA Development Environment that strives to go a different direction than that of the software it stemmed from, in hopes to provide a much more stable and appealing game dev software for desktop platorms. See the copyight comments in the headers and sources for the full list of past and current contributors. This fork is maintained by Samuel Venable. Special thanks to the original authors, most notably:
- Josh Ventura, original project founder, JDI, and compiler author.
- Robert B. Colton, Win32, RadialGM, emake, LGM, major contributor.
- Greg Williamson, Linux, RadialGM, emake, SDL2, major contributor.
- Hugh Patrick Greene, Wiki, games, tutorials, content contributor.
- Samuel Venable, STIGMA, GUI widgets, SDL2 joystick contributor.