/Install an assistant:
- sam install assistant
- choose the one you want
- you'll find it located in /var/lib/snips/skills/
Testing, if assistant is running correctly
- sudo systemctl stop snips-skill-server
- snips-skill-server -vvv
=> This will show potential errors during launch of assistant, e.g. missing libraries or wrong indentations
Running the assistant and checking for runtime errors
- sam watch (will print what's going on during the execution of a snips command to the command line)
=> if it says sth like: "didn't respond in a timely manner" then there is a runtime error in your code
Checking which error occured
- sam service log snips-skill-server (will show you what happened during execution of your program)
- sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog (more or less the same, just on system level)