🎉 Welcome to the v2.3.5 release of the kgateway project!
The kgateway project is available as a Helm chart and docker images.
Helm Charts
The Helm chart is available at ghcr.io/timflannagan/charts/kgateway.
Docker Images
The docker images are available at:
- ghcr.io/timflannagan:kgateway:v2.3.5
- ghcr.io/timflannagan:sds:v2.3.5
- ghcr.io/timflannagan:envoy-wrapper:v2.3.5
First, create a kind cluster.
kind create cluster
Then, deploy the Kubernetes Gateway API CRDs.
kubectl apply --kustomize "https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/config/crd/experimental?ref=v1.2.1"
Install the kgateway
helm install --create-namespace --namespace kgateway-system --version v2.3.5 kgateway oci://ghcr.io/timflannagan/charts/kgateway
Verify the release was successful.
kubectl get pods -n kgateway-system
If the release was successful, you should see a kgateway
pod running.