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A quick example on how to do Google Authentication for iOS, Android, and Web with Pocketbase in Flutter using GetX.

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A quick example on how to do Google Authentication for iOS, Android, and Web with Pocketbase in Flutter using GetX.

Getting Started / Configuration

Open lib/core/services/pocketbase/pocketbase.dart and add your PocketBase URL to it, by replacung

How It Works

This example uses getx to handle middleware, routing, and controllers for the authentication. It also uses flutter_secure_storage to store the authentication token for session handling.


This is a singleton that controls your AuthStore token to persist your session data. This is needed so that both web and mobile works correctly.

We are using flutter_secure_storage here so that way the data is encrypted.


In main.dart you can see:

await PocketBaseSingleton().initialize();
Get.put(AuthController()); // Initialize the AuthController

This initializes the PocketBase Singleton and the AuthController()

You now can use PocketBase, and keep its session using final PocketBase pb = PocketBaseSingleton().client;

There is also:

    return GetMaterialApp(
      title: 'Flutter GetX Pocketbase Example',
      initialRoute: '/',
      getPages: routes,

Which is where the routing is handled


In the routing you can add RouteGuard() into the middleware of the routes that need to be authenticated.


The route guard checks to see if you have a session by checking pb.authStore.isValid, if you do not you are redirected to the login page


loginProvider() uses PocketBase's authWithOAuth2() to login with any provider you setup in your PocketBase admin. With Google specificly, since it uses deep linking, you only need to setup a web client ID. No need for multiple Client IDs for Android and iOS.

await launchUrl(url, webOnlyWindowName: '_blank'); opens up the authentication in a new window webOnlyWindowName: '_blank' is needed to fix issues with web.

If the login was successful then it saves a token that is read by the session above.

  Future<void> loginProvider(String providerName) async {
    final user =
        await pb.collection('users').authWithOAuth2(providerName, (url) async {
      await launchUrl(url, webOnlyWindowName: "_blank");
    if (user.token.isNotEmpty && user.record != null) {

Work around for limitations

In the PocketBase dart SDK, there are some limitations to Flutter web.

What is not documented is that the package:fetch_client/fetch_client.dart package cannot be compiled to the mobile Flutter builds. So this works great for web only, but if you do web and mobile builds you will get a compile error.

To get around this I made core/services/pocketbase/pocketbase.dart which modifies the solution in the documentation.

Instead of just making it conditional kIsWeb ? () => FetchClient(mode: RequestMode.cors) : null, I made two factories for web and mobile. Depending on what you are building for, it will only import the factory for that build.

import 'factories/factory_mobile.dart'
    if (dart.library.html) 'factories/factory_web.dart';

Now package:fetch_client/fetch_client.dart will no longer give you an error if you build for mobile because that package is no longer being imported unless the build is for web.


A quick example on how to do Google Authentication for iOS, Android, and Web with Pocketbase in Flutter using GetX.



