You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 103
- teamId
- leagueId
- leagueListid
- ver
- teamId
- leagueId
- season
- date
- leagueListId
- gameType
- fields
- None
- ver
- awardId
- recipients (boolean)
- sportId
- leagueId
- season
- hydrate
- fields
Call awards endpoint with no parameters to return a list of awardIds.
- None
- ver
- conferenceId
- season
- fields
- None
- ver
- divisionId
- leagueId
- sportId
- season
Call divisions endpoint with no parameters to return a list of divisions.
- None
- ver
- prospects
- year
- latest
- limit
- fields
- round
- name
- school
- state
- country
- position
- teamId
- playerId
- bisPlayerId
Year can be omitted to allow the API to default to the current year. No query parameters are honored when "latest" endpoint is queried (year will still be honored). Prospects and Latest cannot be used together.
- gamePk
- ver
- gamePk
- timecode
- hydrate
- fields
- gamePk
- startTimecode + endTimecode
- ver
- gamePk
- startTimecode
- endTimecode
- gamePk
- ver
- gamePk
- updatedSince
- ver
- updatedSince
- sportId
- gameType
- season
- fields
- gamePk
- ver
- gamePk
- timecode
- fields
- gamePk
- ver
- gamePk
- timecode
- fields
If you only want the current win probability for each team, try the game_contextMetrics endpoint instad.
- gamePk
- ver
- gamePk
- timecode
- fields
- gamePk
- ver
- gamePk
- highlightLimit
- gamePk
- ver
- gamePk
- timecode
- fields
- gamePk
- startTimeCode + endTimeCode
- ver
- gamePk
- startTimecode
- endTimecode
- gamePk
- ver
- gamePk
- gamePk
- ver
- gamePk
- timecode
- fields
- gamePk
- ver
- gamePk
- timecode
- fields
- season
- ver
- season
- teamIds
- leagueIds
- leagueListId
- sportId
- gameType
- startDate
- endDate
- venueIds
- orgType
- includeChildren
- fields
- orgType
- sortStat + season
- ver
- orgType
- statGroup
- sortStat
- season
- gameType
- teamId
- leagueId
- sportIds
- limit
- fields
Valid values for orgType parameter: player, team, division, league, sport, types.
- gamePk
- ver
- gamePk
- bracket
- pool
- fields
- sportId
- leagueIds
- ver
- sportId
- leagueIds
- seasons
- fields
- leagueId
- season
- ver
- leagueId
- season
- fields
- leagueId
- season
- ver
- leagueId
- season
- fields
- leagueId
- season
- ver
- leagueId
- season
- fields
- personIds
- ver
- personIds
- hydrate
- fields
- None
- ver
- updatedSince
- fields
- leagueId
- ver
- leagueId
- order
- hydrate
- fields
- personId
- ver
- personId
- hydrate
- fields
- personId
- gamePk
- ver
- personId
- gamePk
- fields
Specify "current" instead of a gamePk for a player's current game stats.
- jobType
- ver
- jobType
- sportId
- date
- fields
- None
- ver
- sportId
- date
- fields
- umpireId
- season
- ver
- umpireId
- season
- fields
- None
- ver
- sportId
- date
- fields
- None
- ver
- timecode
- fields
- sportId
- gamePk
- gamePks
- ver
- scheduleType
- eventTypes
- hydrate
- teamId
- leagueId
- sportId
- gamePk
- gamePks
- venueIds
- gameTypes
- date
- startDate
- endDate
- season
- opponentId
- fields
- season
- ver
- gameTypes
- season
- hydrate
- fields
- None
- ver
- gameTypes
- seriesNumber
- teamId
- sportId
- season
- hydrate
- fields
- None
- ver
- gameTypes
- seriesNumber
- teamId
- sportId
- season
- fields
- None
- ver
- teamId
- sportId
- season
- hydrate
- fields
The schedule_postseason_tuneIn endpoint appears to return no data.
- sportId
- ver
- all
- season
- sportId
- divisionId
- leagueId
- fields
Include /all
in the path to query all seasons. To do this with this library, pass parameter all
with a value of True
. The divisionId and leagueId parameters are supported when "all" is used.
- seasonId
- sportId
- ver
- seasonId
- sportId
- fields
- None
- ver
- sportId
- fields
- sportId
- season
- ver
- sportId
- season
- gameType
- fields
- leagueId
- ver
- leagueId
- season
- standingsTypes
- date
- hydrate
- fields
- stats + group
- ver
- stats
- playerPool
- position
- teamId
- leagueId
- limit
- offset
- group
- gameType
- season
- sportIds
- sortStat
- order
- hydrate
- fields
- personId
- metrics
- startDate
- endDate
If no limit is specified, the response will be limited to 50 records.
- leaderCategories
- ver
- leaderCategories
- playerPool
- leaderGameTypes
- statGroup
- season
- leagueId
- sportId
- hydrate
- limit
- fields
- statType
If excluding season parameter to get all time leaders, include statType=statsSingleSeason or you will likely not get any results.
- streakType + streakSpan + season + sportId + limit
- ver
- streakType
- streakSpan
- gameType
- season
- sportId
- limit
- hydrate
- fields
Valid streakType values: "hittingStreakOverall" "hittingStreakHome" "hittingStreakAway" "onBaseOverall" "onBaseHome" "onBaseAway". Valid streakSpan values: "career" "season" "currentStreak" "currentStreakInSeason" "notable" "notableInSeason".
- None
- ver
- season
- activeStatus
- leagueIds
- sportId
- sportIds
- gameType
- hydrate
- fields
- teamIds
- ver
- teamIds
- startSeason
- endSeason
- fields
- season + group + stats
- ver
- season
- sportIds
- group
- gameType
- stats
- order
- sortStat
- fields
- startDate (use
until v0.1.8, see #40) - endDate (use
until v0.1.8, see #40)
Use meta('statGroups') to look up valid values for group, and meta('statTypes') for valid values for stats.
- teamIds
- ver
- teamIds
- sportId
- season
- hydrate
- fields
- teamId
- ver
- teamId
- season
- sportId
- hydrate
- fields
- teamId
- season + group
- ver
- teamId
- season
- group
- hydrate
- fields
- teamId
- ver
- teamId
- season
- date
- fields
- teamId
- ver
- teamId
- date
- fields
- teamId
- leaderCategories + season
- ver
- teamId
- leaderCategories
- season
- leaderGameTypes
- hydrate
- limit
- fields
- teamId
- ver
- teamId
- rosterType
- season
- date
- hydrate
- fields
- teamId
- ver
- teamId
- season
- statGroup
- gameType
- stats
- sportIds
- sitCodes
- fields
Use meta('statGroups') to look up valid values for group, meta('statTypes') for valid values for stats, and meta('situationCodes') for valid values for sitCodes. Use sitCodes with stats=statSplits. Endpoint supported as of version 1.2.
- teamId
- playerId
- date
- startDate + endDate
- ver
- sportId
- teamId
- playerId
- date
- startData
- endDate
- fields
- venueIds
- ver
- venueIds
- season
- hydrate
- fields
- type
- ver
- type
The meta endpoint is used to retrieve values to be used within other API calls. Available types: awards, baseballStats, eventTypes, gameStatus, gameTypes, hitTrajectories, jobTypes, languages, leagueLeaderTypes, logicalEvents, metrics, pitchCodes, pitchTypes, platforms, positions, reviewReasons, rosterTypes, scheduleEventTypes, situationCodes, sky, standingsTypes, statGroups, statTypes, windDirection.
Note: This information is provided for reference only, without warranty or guarantee, and is not official documentation provided by MLB. This package and its author are not affiliated with MLB or any MLB team. This API wrapper interfaces with MLB's Stats API. Use of MLB data is subject to the notice posted at http://gdx.mlb.com/components/copyright.txt.