Fab Agon Emulator 0.9.4
Changes since the last release (0.8.9):
- Console8 2.0.0 firmware
- Mouse support
- Joypad support, using the GPIO mappings of the Console8. USB joypads should just work.
- UART emulation improvements (Now CP/M doesn't lose keypresses)
- VDP RTC emulation
- CPU fixes: ld.sil address calculation, call.lil in z80 mode (CPM crashes/hangs), regression that permitted writing to ROM
- DPad support for console8 joypads (Sascha Schneider)
- GPIO emulation rewrite. Interrupts on active low, active high, rising edge, falling edge, dual edge should work, as well as no interrupt mode.
- Improved Vsync interrupt emulation (as GPIO PB1).